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Oсновным мотивом для написания данных "Дискуссионных материалов" является ознакомление читателя с организациeй и работой информационно-консультационной службы...
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Der Beitrag bietet einen Überblick über die wirtschaftliche Situation des Agrarsektors in der Republik Moldova. Neben den naturräumlichen Bedingungen, der Produktionsstruktur und dem Außenhandel mit landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugnissen werden die historische Entwicklung der Agrarproduktion und...
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In der Studie wurden die Auswirkungen der rasanten, regional sehr unterschiedlichen Ausdeh-nung der Biogaserzeugung und des dafür erforderlichen Energiepflanzenanbaus auf die innersektoralen Wechselwirkungen, die Boden- und Pachtmärkte sowie auf die Ernährungs- und Futtermittelindustrie...
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[Vorwort] Am 1. März 2016 fand im Forum des Thünen-Instituts in Braunschweig das 2. Symposium für Ökonomie im Gartenbau statt. Ausrichter waren das Thünen-Institut für Betriebswirtschaft, der Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre des Agribusiness der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen...
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Productivity of rangelands in Kenya is affected by increasing crop farming especially in more fertile range areas. Among the key factors driving the encroachment of crops on rangelands are the changing opportunities brought about by markets. We hypothesize that the existing market inefficiencies...
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Despite public approval from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (Miljøstyrelsen), farmers have proven reluctant to accept wastewater sludge as a source of fertilizer. They are in fact still being paid for accepting it. Based on interviews with key stakeholders, a review of the...
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Women are under-acknowledged participants in Africa's agriculture and food sector, supplying a large share of the labour, but facing significant obstacles, including unequal access to land, traditional division of labour, restrictions on mobility, unequal educational attainment, financial...
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The paper presents the review of the development of cooperatives in the Republic of Moldova during the post independence period. After the massive land privatization a large number of small scale agricultural producers occurred that hardly can compete with large scale producers. This preserves a...
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This Pre-Analysis Plan is for a Randomized Control Trial (RCT) for recently formed youth business groups in Tigray Region of Ethiopia. Resource-poor rural youth are given a business opportunity by being allocated a rehabilitated land area where they can establish a joint business. They are...
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Myanmar's agriculture sector offers substantial unexploited potential to underpin the country's inclusive economic development. With extensive land, water, and labor resources, as well as proximity to fast-growing markets, the country's agriculture has key competitive advantages. At the same...
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