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In dynamic discrete choice analysis, controlling for unobserved heterogeneity is an important issue, and finite mixture models provide flexible ways to account for unobserved heterogeneity. This paper studies nonparametric identifiability of type probabilities and type-specific component...
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In this paper we introduce a new flexible mixed model for multinomial discrete choice where the key individual- and alternative-specific parameters of interest are allowed to follow an assumptionfree nonparametric density specification while other alternative-specific coefficients are assumed to...
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In dynamic discrete choice analysis, controlling for unobserved heterogeneity is an important issue, and finite mixture models provide flexible ways to account for unobserved heterogeneity. This paper studies nonparametric identifiability of type probabilities and type-specific component...
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This paper analyzes the stability of monetary regimes in an economy where fiat money is endogenously created by the government, information about its value is imperfect, and learning is decentralized. We show that monetary stability depends crucially on the speed of information transmission in...
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The paper compares two approaches to the estimation of panel probit models: the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) and the Simulated Maximum Likelihood (SML) technique. Both have in common that they circumvent multiple integrations of joint density functions without the need to impose...
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The paper shows that several estimators for the panel probit model suggested in the literature belong to a common class of GMM estimators. They are relatively easy to compute because they are based on conditional moment restrictions involving univariate moments of the binary dependent variable...
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Abstract: This paper considers spatial autoregressive (SAR) binary choice models in the context of panel data with fixed effects, where the latent dependent variables are spatially correlated. Without imposing any parametric structure of the error terms, this paper proposes a smoothed spatial...
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This pdf contains a do file that shows how to estimate a latent class discrete choice panel data model in Stata via Maximum Likelihood and an EM algorithm.
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This paper establishes conditions for nonparametric identification of dynamic optimization models in which agents make both discrete and continuous choices. We consider identification of both the payoff function and the distribution of unobservables. Models of this kind are prevalent in applied...
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In this paper we estimate and empirically test different behavioral theories of consumer reference price formation. Two major theories are proposed to model the reference price reaction: assimilation contrast theory and prospect theory. We assume that different consumer segments will use...
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