Showing 61 - 70 of 749
Generalizations of traditional preference criteria such as the Sharpe ratio, the information ratio and the Jensen alpha are obtained by maximizing a certain equivalent excess return (CER) under relevant investment conditions. They are increasing functions of CERs and therefore equivalent...
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We price multi-asset options by solving their price partial differential equations using a meshfree approach with radial basis functions under jump-diffusion and geometric Brownian motion frameworks. In the geometric Brownian motion framework, we propose an effective technique that breaks the...
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The risk-capital positions of Japanese banks have been under tension throughout the 1990s. However, existing theory on the determinants of bank risk-taking still remains limited and the evidence is conflicting. Most studies concentrate on US and European banks, while empirical evidence has...
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Medieval bishops condemned and restricted the sale of corrodies (a type of annuity), partly on the grounds of their perceived unprofitability. The available data on the profitability of corrodies is limited and little analysed, and the episcopal condemnation of corrodies has been adopted by...
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The article analyses the impact of trading costs on the profitability of momentum strategies in the UK and concludes that losers are more expensive to trade than winners. The observed asymmetry in the costs of trading winners and losers crucially relates to the high cost of selling loser stocks...
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There are two unique volatility surfaces associated with any arbitrage-free set of standard European option prices, the implied volatility surface and the local volatility surface. Several papers have discussed the stochastic differential equations for implied volatilities that are consistent...
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There is a potential conflict of interest between a pension fund sponsor and future pensioners when they share unequally in the pension fund performance. Thus, when a scheme offers a yearly guaranteed minimum return to pensioners, as is presently the case with German Pensionskassen, the sponsors...
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Even in the simple case that two price processes follow correlated geometric Brownian motions with constant volatility no analytic formula for the price of a standard European spread option has been derived, except when the strike is zero in which case the option becomes an exchange option. This...
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In this article, we consider the pricing and hedging of single route dry bulk freight futures contracts traded on the International Maritime Exchange. Thus far, this relatively young market has received almost no academic attention. In contrast to many other commodity markets, freight services...
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I present a simple method for the modeling and simulation of dependent positive jump processes through a series representation. Each constituent process is represented by a series whose terms are equal to a transformation of the jump times of a standard Poisson process. The transformations are...
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