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This paper aims to identify trade trends for primary products from the Western Cape agricultural, forestry and fisheries sector for the period 2000 until 2008. Annual trade data was received from the South African Revenue Service (SARS). The postal code information were used to identify from...
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This paper studies the degree of integration of China's domestic market and investigates the determinants of inter-provincial trade barriers under the rubric endogenoustrade policy theory. I rely on industry-level trade flows extracted from provincial input-output tables to develop a model that...
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German-Pakistani relations cannot be analyzed in isolation of the larger domestic and international trajectories, economic and political, on both sides of the partnership. After a recent democratic power transfer in 2013, Pakistan continues to face complex challenges. The instable security...
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Germany is the world's biggest gross and net exporter of research-intensive goods, even ahead of the US and Japan. Per capita Germany also has the largest export surplus for research-intensive goods with around USD 3,900. Furthermore, Germany increasingly benefits as an importer - and thus as a...
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Deutschland ist größter Brutto- und Nettoexporteur von forschungsintensiven Waren, noch vor den USA und Japan. Auch pro Kopf weist Deutschland mit rund 3 900 US-Dollar den größten Exportüberschuss bei forschungsintensiven Waren auf. Zudem profitiert Deutschland als Importeur und somit als...
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Knapp 60 Prozent aller weltweit gehandelten Industriegüter sind forschungsintensiv. Zwei Fünftel davon sind Güter mit sehr hoher Forschungsintensität (Spitzentechnologie) und drei Fünftel Güter mit hoher Forschungsintensität (Hochtechnologie).1 Noch in den 90er Jahren waren die USA...
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Russia and four other CIS countries - Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan - are important energy producers and possess substantial reserves, particularly as far as natural gas is concerned. Russia alone accommodates about one quarter of the global gas reserves and has established...
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Dieser Artikel untersucht, ob die Finanzkrise zu einer nachhaltigen Veränderung der sektoralen und geografischen Spezialisierung Deutschlands im Handel mit forschungsintensiven Gütern geführt hat. Dazu werden im ersten Teil sektorale Spezialisierungsindikatoren für Deutschland, die USA,...
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Nearly 60 percent of globally traded industrial goods are R&D-intensive. Two fifths are goods with very high research intensity (cutting-edge technology), while the remaining three fifths are goods with high research intensity (high-level technology).1 Up until the 1990s, the USA was the global...
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This paper studies the degree of integration of China's domestic market and investigates the determinants of inter-provincial trade barriers under the rubric endogenoustrade policy theory. I rely on industry-level trade flows extracted from provincial input-output tables to develop a model that...
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