Showing 191 - 198 of 198
The interest for the measurement of well-being has been increasing among scholars and major international institutions. This paper proposes a synthetic index for ten dimensions of well-being combining a set of 57 variables at the Italian regional level and an overall indicator of well-being by...
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In this paper we analyze class size effects on college students exploiting data from a project offering special remedial courses in Mathematics and Language skills to freshmen enrolled at an Italian medium sized public University. To estimate the effects of class size we take advantage of the...
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Questo saggio si inserisce nel dibattito sull’efficacia della politica di coesione dell’Unione Europea e presenta un’analisi sugli effetti dei Fondi strutturali sulla crescita delle regioni italiane dal 1980 al 2007. Un’attenzione particolare è riservata al ruolo che gli aspetti...
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Il presente lavoro descrive nella prima parte l’emigrazione calabrese attuale in Germania. Si fa un accenno all’accordo bilaterale tra Germania ed Italia per il reclutamento di manodopera firmato a Roma nel 1955. Si parla sia della 1° che 2° e 3 generazione. Le nostre ricerche ci...
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In this paper we propose a new method of single imputation, reconstruction, and estimation of non-reported, incorrect or excluded values both in the target and in the auxiliary variables where the first is on ratio or interval scale and the last are heterogeneous in measurement scale. Our...
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Il seguente lavoro è un appendice su quello pubblicato in “Dike kai nomos” Quaderni di cultura politico-giuridica” Anno 2 - N.5 - Ottobre 2013-Marzo 2014, pagina 35-54
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We analyze the effect of gender quotas on electoral participation by using a rich dataset of Italian municipal elections. Gender quotas were in force in Italy from 1993 until 1995. Because of the short period covered by the reform, some municipalities never voted using gender quota. This allows...
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Often people procrastinate unpleasant tasks for immediate gratification in doing nothing today. Therefore many scholars have been engaged in designing incentive schemes to avoid it. We think the process is very complicated and many features need to be analyzed, as the subjective evaluations of...
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