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This paper examines a tractable real business cycle model with idiosyncratic productivity shocks and binding credit constraints on entrepreneurs. The model shows how firm volatility increases in combination with credit market development. It further generates the observed comovement of credit...
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Within a macroeconomic disequilibrium model it turns out that stationary and simple adaptive policies are not capable of stabilizing efficient steady states and lead to periodic or irregular fluctuations for large sets of policy parameters. The application of recent control methods for chaotic...
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In this note we consider a general equilibrium model with oligopolistic competition between firms who ignore the feedback effect of their dividend payments on demand. The outcome of this competition coincides with the perfectly competitive equilibrium solution, provided that firms have identical...
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We consider a Diamond-type model of endogenous growth in which there are three assets: fiat money, government bonds, and equity. Because of productivity shocks, the equity return is uncertain, and risk-averse investors require a positive equity premium. Typically, there exist two steady states,...
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The paper analyzes the dynamic properties of the neoclassical one-sector growth model with differential savings in the sense of Kaldor-Pasinetti. The economy exhibits unstable steady states and fluctuations if the income distribution varies sufficiently and if shareholders save more than...
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We incorporate a wage-bargaining structure in a dynamic general equilibrium model and show how this feature changes short- and long-run properties of equilibria compared with a perfectly competitive setting.We discuss how employment, capital and income shares respond to wage-setting shocks and...
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This paper considers an endogenous growth model with productive government spending in which overlapping generations of agents vote sequentially on policy. With sequential majority voting, there is a multiplicity of politico-economic equilibria originating from self-fulfilling policy...
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We consider a dynamic general equilibrium model with capital accumulation and collective wage bargaining and investigate how unemployment responds to structural shocks under two stylised budgetary policies. Under balanced budgets, tax adjustments lead to higher unemployment on impact but enable...
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This paper considers a labour market model of monopsonistic competition with taste-based discrimination against minority workers to study the effect of equal pay legislation on labour market inequality. When the taste for discrimination is small or competition is weak, the policy removes job...
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In an overlapping generations model with Cournot competition on the goods market it is shown that a continuum of stationary states and perfect foresight trajectories exists with unemployment at arbitrary low wages. Decisive for this is the influence that different forecast functions have on the...
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