Showing 71 - 80 of 338
The study consider the relationship between food safety strategies and organizational choice. The poultry sector provides an insightful example to illustrate and to analyse this field. Furthermore, European Union regulation requires change in safety related technologies (i.e., the ban of...
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The prospects of economic growth in the Euro area depend, to a large extent, on the way in which its participants will solve the problems of economic stabilisation; they depend on whether the conceptual dogmas will prevail in the stabilisation policy or the tendency to make the stabilisation...
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This paper studies the integrated Garch (IGARCH) e®ect, a phenomenon often encountered when estimating conditional auto-regressive models on ¯nancial time series. The analysis of twelve indexes of major ¯nancial markets provides empirical evidence of its well-spread presence especially in...
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We use comparable micro level panel data for 14 countries and a set of identically specified empirical models to investigate the relationship between exports and productivity. Our overall results are in line with the big picture that is by now familiar from the literature: Exporters are more...
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It is common opinion that Mediterranean history will always be incomplete, even though many reflexions and discussions have been made concerning what is called this “liquid womb”. In the past few years the traditional-rational interpretations that we may consider obvious has been replaced in...
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The regional distribution of labor productivity in Western Europe is characterised by a Core-Periphery spatial pattern: high (low) productivity regions are in a proximate relationship with other high (low) productivity regions. Over the last twenty years, intra-distribution dynamics has...
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The present work is a thought and increased synthesis of the relation published by the I.P.C.C (UNEP-WMO) on the Global Climate Changes. The purpose is to supply the researchers of our Department ,with a solid base theoretical where to anchor the studies that they will execute for the national...
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We explicitly compute the optimal strategy in discrete time for a European option and the variance of the corresponding hedging error under the hypothesis that the underlying is a martingale following a Geometric Brownian motion.
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La letteratura teorica ed empirica sul tema della corporate governance trova i presupposti in due principali filoni di indagine: quello dell’impresa, vista al suo interno, ed individuata come rapporto di agenzia, una diretta filiazione del contributo di Berle e Means, e quello dell’impresa...
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