Showing 12,251 - 12,260 of 12,312
The aim of the article is to present the opinions of Polish migrants in Britain on the gains or losses that Brexit may bring to the European Union (EU), the United Kingdom (UK), and Poland, as well as the respondents themselves and their families. These opinions were determined based on the...
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Ability drain's (𝐴𝐷) impact on host countries is significant: 30 percent of US Nobel laureates since 1906 are immigrants, and they or their children founded 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies. The article first provides a detailed description of the multiple home country benefits...
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Based on the standard Footloose Capital model developed by Martin and Rogers (1995), I consider an integrated model that consists of a system of two regions and a third external region, in order to study the impact of improved market access on the Home Market Effect within the system of the two...
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"Using panel data for 78 countries of origin we examine the impact of student flows to the United States on subsequent migration there over the period 1971-2001. What we find is that the stock of foreign students is an important predictor of subsequent migration. This holds true whether or not...
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Auslöser meiner Überlegungen ist die akute Flüchtlingskrise. Es spricht manches dafür, dass sich diese Krise nicht einfach mit einigen administrativen Maßnahmen der Zuwanderungsbeschränkung in kurzer Frist in Luft auflösen wird. Vermutlich ist sie Symptom für eine neue Welle der...
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Der Brexit wird auch den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt beeinfl ussen. Viele Betriebe in Deutschland produzieren für den Export nach Großbritannien. Künftige Handelshemmnisse könnten negative Auswirkungen auf den Personalbedarf in diesen Unternehmen haben. Auf der Angebotsseite wird der Brexit die...
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In the 2004 Eastern enlargement, free movement in the EU for citizens of the new member states applied only from the date of accession - or even later in those ‘old’ member states that used long transition periods. However, refugees from Ukraine now live and work freely throughout the EU and...
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Comparing emigration rates of countries at different stages of economic development, an inverse u-shape emerges. Since the “migration hump” peaks at an average income of 6000 to 10 000 USD, economic progress in developing countries is often assumed to increase migration consistently....
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In this interview, Christian Dustmann discusses current opportunities and challenges for the German labour market. The interview covers a wide range of topics such as the differences between labour migration and refugee migration, the flexibilisation of working conditions to attract and retain...
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Zwar fanden in fünf der 16 westafrikanischen Länder - zum Teil zum zweiten Mal - Parlaments- oder Präsidentschaftswahlen statt (Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Kapverden, Niger), aber in dem meisten Ländern stagnierte der Demokratisierungsprozeß. Ein international beachteter vertraulicher...
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