Showing 23,051 - 23,060 of 23,193
El documento hace una aproximación a las formas como se viene concibiendo el área de fundamentacióncontable. Para ello se parte de relacionar los contenidos y las temáticas de las asignaturasdel área con las características y los factores que intervienen en la selección de textos....
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Los contables se enfrentan a profundos cambios en su contexto, tanto económicos como socialesy académicos, de tal manera que, mercado, empresa, industria y universidad se funden en interesesy valores cada vez más contradictorios. Estas transformaciones implican nuevos retos tantopara docentes...
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En la medida en que la internacionalización empresarial ha ido intensificándose y va surgiendoun nuevo usuario de la información internacional, la problemática ha ido pasando tanto alámbito académico como al profesional. Consciente de esta realidad, la Facultad de ContaduríaPública de la...
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El análisis financiero tradicional de la liquidez, basado en el estudio de las razones -razóncorriente, prueba ácida y capital de trabajo- resulta insuficiente para emitir una juiciosa opiniónsobre la liquidez de una empresa, por cuanto él mismo es estático y asume que las...
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Improvement and diversification of costing methods should consider, in addition to efficiency, foresight and responsibility, and reduce the workload necessary to obtain information on costs of production and costs, and possible recovery of the information obtained. This process requires the...
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The cost-benefit analysis is a way of evaluating a project in terms of economic efficiency. It means comparing the total costs with the benefits expressed in financial terms, being a technical analysis which is vital for the optimal allocation of resources in order to maximize benefits. The...
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People who have lost their jobs are affected by the Covid-19 epidemic, which lowers demand and prevents them from updating daily used internet services. A company's deteriorating financial health may be a warning indication of impending financial trouble. With company size serving as a...
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This study examines whether application of IFRS by non-US firms results in accounting amounts comparable to those resulting from application of US GAAP by US firms. IFRS firms have greater accounting system and value relevance comparability with US firms when IFRS firms apply IFRS than when they...
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This paper investigates the market consequences of sovereign accounting errors. Eurostat, a division of the European Commission, issues semiannual assessments of financial reports produced by the member states of the European Union (EU), and issues reservations that detail financial reporting...
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Using a comprehensive data set of earthquakes in China, we show that investors perceive increased credit risk in quasi-municipal bonds exposed to devastating earthquakes, leading to a significant positive risk premium. Our study identifies that this bias is temporary and decreases as investors...
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