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We combine survey and administrative data for about 13,000 firms from 2005 to 2013 to study the inter-relationships among firm characteristics, intangible investment and firm performance. We find that firm size is associated with higher intangible investment, while firm age, very low competition...
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treatment of corporations. This shift reflects both an ideological embrace of the free-market-oriented “agency-cost” school of …
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Spanish Abstract: Alcanzar y mantener la competitividad en un negocio de giro específico requiere conocer los recursos, el entorno, la competencia y la infraestructura del contexto en que se desenvuelve. La energía eléctrica como recurso e infraestructura del país en que se ubica una empresa...
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As the economies are becoming knowledge intensive and industries are encountering hypercompetitive technology environments, and the markets undergoing large scale globalization with firms experiencing wild fluctuations in financial performance, firm governance structure and the functioning of...
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Corporate social responsibility is largely debated amongst management science and business ethics scholars, but only a few of consistent theoretical foundations have been provided for it. Typically these are suggested within the stakeholder approach to the theory of the firm, but the same...
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A startup’s path to self-sustaining profitability is risky and hard, and most do not make it. Venture capital (VC) investors try to improve these odds with contractual terms that focus and sharpen employees’ incentives to pursue gold. If the employees and investors expect the startup to...
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Spanish Abstract: La Triple “A” que comprende agilidad, adaptabilidad y alineamiento, son capacidades organizacionales utilizadas en el quehacer competitivo de las empresas mypes. Estas capacidades ayudan a generar ventajas competitivas sostenibles y con ello, al desarrollo y continuidad...
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Knowledge-based groups or communities are complex systems that emerge, evolve and mature through stages that display specific features and capabilities of the community or group. Understanding these capabilities and features are fundamental to building sustainable economic, social and learning...
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In recent years, companies have begun to pursue “green business” by taking actions that enhance both the firm’s environmental performance and its competitiveness. This Article describes the green business phenomenon and offers a new theory as to how environmental law and policy can promote...
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