Showing 111 - 120 of 205
The paper explores into the empirical estimates of potential output currently produced by international economic institutions. As for the theoretical foundations of the notion, the paper endeavours to show how the shift from the Keynesian notion of potential output as a ceiling on actual...
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Progress toward eradicating poverty and hunger is patchy and generally too slow. New impetus is needed to meet internationally accepted goals, better informed by recent progress and challenges. The United Nations Millennium Development Goal No. 1 (MDG-1) aims to halve the proportion of people...
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Nel presente lavoro vengono evidenziate le problematiche che hanno portato alla introduzione di modelli per la struttura per scadenza con volatilità stocastica e viene riproposta una lettura dei modelli più noti in letteratura inserendoli a seconda delle loro caratteristiche o tra i modelli...
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Il saggio si propone di esaminare la realtà dei distretti tecnologici come evoluzione del concetto di distretto industriale e di individuare i fattori fondamentali che ne determinano lo sviluppo. A tal fine viene analizzato il caso emblematico del distretto tecnologico di Cambridge la cui...
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Bayesian hypothesis testing for non-nested hypotheses various "default" Bayes factors, such as the fractional Bayes factor, the median intrinsic Bayes factor and the encompassing and expected intrinsic Bayes factors. The different default methods are first compared with each other and with the...
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This paper addresses the determinants of diffusion of broadband infrastructure by looking at the U.S. Federal States. It tries to identify in particular to what extent intra- and inter -platform competition contribute to accelerating the speed of diffusion. Panel data analysis results indicate...
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The paper aims at understanding the structural features of the bargaining coalition in the Doha Round of the WTO. We provide an empirical assessment of the preferences of each negotiating actor looking at general economics indicators, development levels, structure of the agriculural sectors, and...
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Il lavoro ha per oggetto l’evoluzione del modello di divisione del lavoro fra le imprese nell’industria italiana negli anni ’90. Utilizziamo i dati della “Indagine sulle imprese manifatturiere” condotta periodicamente da Capitalia, che fanno riferimento rispettivamente ai trienni...
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