Showing 1 - 10 of 40
Concerns about the monetary integration issue have lasted for over five decades, outlining several criteria which embody the theory of optimum currency areas. Although the European monetary integration pattern is not based on this theory, it often serves as a reference in assessing the...
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Addressing the relationship between the policy of a central bank and economic growth in the post-crisis stage, the article aims to identify essential tools that the monetary authority has theoretically available to support a sustainable economic growth, in the future. In the context of the...
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The concerns of macroeconomic policymakers regarding the management of the COVID-19 crisis are reflected by the major, unbending, and brisk interventions they have had, including monetary authorities. The present paper aims at identifying central banks' contributions in managing the pandemic...
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In the context of globalization and regionalization, we consider to be important an analysis of the asymmetries from the balances of payments of the member states of the European Union (EU). The propagation of a shock determines different effects in the member states of the European Union, due...
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The paper presents briefly the evolution of inflation over the period August 2008 - November 2010 for the new member states (NMS) of the EU, which are on the waiting list to adopt the Euro (in a random order, they are Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland and...
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As of September 2008, the vulnerabilities accumulated during the previous periods overlapped the devastating effects of the crisis in the new member states (NMS) of the European Union, deteriorating the main macro-indicators and increasing the economic instability, which generated a profound...
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Criza financiara globala a transmis o serie de factori care au agravat situatia economiilor noilor state membre ale Uniunii Europene, pe fondul existentei unor relatii financiare si comerciale puternice cu tarile europene dezvoltate. in acest articol facem o scurta prezentare a unor...
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The importance of compliance with nominal convergence criteria is crucial for adopting the euro in New Member States (NMS). Although some of these countries have made remarkable efforts for complying with nominal criteria, structural and conjunctional macroeconomic imbalances have created big...
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The paper presents an analysis of the economic growth evolution in the European Union new member states, being part of a more comprehensive research regarding the euro adoption challenges, taking as benchmark Slovakia and Slovenia, countries that already entered the euro zone. The research...
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