Showing 71 - 80 of 140
Generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) processes have wide application in financial modelling. To characterise the extreme values of this process the extremal index is required. Mikosch and Starica (2000) derive the extremal index for the squared GARCH(1,1) process. Here...
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The present value of growth opportunities with stable long run value and decreasing investment cost is addressed in a real options perspective. The model is solved in terms of closed form solutions, and a duality between elementary real options of waiting to invest is conjectured to be a...
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Tra i servizi prodotti e offerti a livello pubblico, un posto sempre più importante è occupato dai servizi sociali e assistenziali, un settore del welfare state che negli ultimi anni ha visto un progressivo processo di decentralizzazione dal livello centrale a quello locale. Sotto il profilo...
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Indonesia has a rich historical tradition of mutual cooperation at the community level. This study argues that rotating savings and credit associations (ROSCAs) constitute successful experiences of collective action within the informal financial sector. Therefore, using data from Indonesia...
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Sustainability and relevance of dividend policies are addressed in terms of an optimal control model set forth by Feichtinger et al. (2007), by means of which two different capitalization measures,accounting for dividends and capital gains, can be given explicit representation. In the light of...
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This Working Paper contains the contributions written in English forthcoming in a Special Issue of the Journal of Industrial and Management Economics / Economia e politica industriale (39, (2), 2012 ). The title (and the topic) of the whole Special Issue is “Competitiveness in Manufacturing:...
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Pension system and labor market reforms are widely debated issues in all industrialized countries and especially in Europe; any change over these two aspects of the Social Security System indeed, can affect heavily the functioning of the whole economy.A preminent role in this sense is played by...
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