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market share and advertising is the only strategic variable. Entry occurs when the relative effectiveness of incumbent …We analyze the relationship between market size and entry when an incumbent and a potential entrant compete to gain …'s advertising is smaller than a threshold level that depends on the size of the market. This threshold level is monotonically and …
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that entry and exit rates are positively correlated across industries. Our objective is to investigate the effect of sunk … costs and, in particular, market size on entry and exit rates. We analyse a stochastic dynamic model of a monopolistically … show existence and uniqueness of a stationary equilibrium with simultaneous entry and exit: efficient firms survive while …
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that entry and exit rates are positively correlated across industries. Our objective is to investigate the effect of sunk … costs and, in particular, market size on entry and exit rates, and hence on the age distribution of firms. We analyze a …. We show existence and uniqueness of a stationary equilibrium with simultaneous entry and exit: efficient firms survive …
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and fixed costs may have interesting, non-obvious effects on entry and exit. Before costs change, the model exhibits … amounts of entry and exit. When costs rise, price rises and the market quantity supplied falls, but the amount of entry and … exit may rise or fall. The most intuitive outcome from a cost increase is the competitor neutral case, in which entry …
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consumers we establish see-saws between consumers and advertisers. Entry of a lower-quality platform increases consumer surplus …, but decreases advertiser surplus if industry platform profits decrease with entry. Merger decreases consumer surplus, but … platforms use two-sided pricing or consumers like advertising,advertiser and consumer interests are often aligned. …
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Schmalensee (1974) shows that, when the cost functions of the advertising e¤ort are linear, the monopoly position is … only sustained when the advertising�s e¤ectiveness of the incumbent is relatively high. We show that this result does not … hold in a more general nonlinear cost. The no-entry equilibrium may hold even when the relative e¤ectiveness of the …
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consumers we establish see-saws between consumers and advertisers. Entry of a lower-quality platform increases consumer surplus …, but decreases advertiser surplus if industry platform profits decrease with entry. Merger decreases consumer surplus, but … platforms use two-sided pricing or consumers like advertising,advertiser and consumer interests are often aligned. …
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In an oligopoly game with cost uncertainty and risk averse firms, we show that Bertrand and Cournot equilibrium have different convergence properties when the market is replicated. The Cournot equilibrium price converges to the competitive price. Under very typical and somewhat general...
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This paper analyzes the interrelationship among competition, market size and innovation by using the data from total 37 industries in China within a simultaneous equations model. It finds that: (1) Competition and innovation are mutually-enhanced, and this is the consequence of the long-run...
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We develop a monopolistic competition model with two sectors and heterogeneous agents who self-select into entrepreneurship, depending on entrepreneurial ability. The effect of market size on the equilibrium share of entrepreneurs crucially hinges on properties of the lower-tier utility function...
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