Showing 411 - 420 of 441
How has the recession affected the employment and job quality of Polish migrants in Ireland? The paper analyse unique data of more than 600 Polish migrants in Dublin, that has been collected using respondent-driven sampling, to shed lights on this question. Based on the reconstruction of the...
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This research analyzes the effects of partnerships between firms and nonprofit organizations (specifically, foundations) on the foundations' development of two critical capabilities, namely, human resource management and information and communication technology competence. We propose that the...
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Pro-cyclicality in Irish fiscal policy has contributed to macroeconomic volatility over recent decades. Accordingly, this paper seeks to identify institutional mechanisms that can improve the performance of fiscal policy in macroeconomic stabilisation in Ireland. We propose a new fiscal...
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We examine by means of a survey and subsequent statistical analysis the extent of financial risk tolerance in Irish adults. We administer the (J. Grable & Lytton, 1999) 13 item risk tolerance instrument, and find confirmed a number of stylized facts found elsewhere on age, gender and education...
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TWe undertake a first benchmark study of economic literacy in Ireland using a panel of 700+ adults to assess the economic knowledge of respondents. Sources of economic information are analysed and ranked in order of usefulness. Accuracy of response in each section is analysed across each...
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The standard New Keynesian model allows the derivation of optimal monetary policy on the assumption that the economy is composed of a single sector. This paper analyses optimal policy on the basis that the economy comprises a number of different sectors. It shows that the composition of output...
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During 1986-2007, average Irish living standards rapidly converged to those of the leaders, while also consolidating its position among the most globalized economies, Outsiders began to look to Ireland as a highly successful model against which to evaluate their own growth strategies. But...
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The European Union's (EU) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has long been criticised for its damaging effects on developing countries, and developing country agriculture in particular. This paper reviews whether these criticisms are still valid in the light of the recent reforms of the CAP. It...
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This paper explores whether, and how, the linkage with the multi-annual financial framework (MFF) negotiations affected the European Parliament's ability to influence the outcome of the common agricultural policy (CAP) reform negotiations which took place between 2011 and 2013. Specifically, the...
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