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Credit risk measurement and management become more important in all financial institutions in the light of the current financial crisis and the global recession. This particularly applies to most of the complex structured financing forms whose risk cannot be quantified with com-mon rating...
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Changes in collateralization have been implicated in significant default (or near-default) events during the financial crisis, most notably with AIG. We have developed a framework for quantifying this effect based on moving between Merton-type and Black-Cox-type structural default models. Our...
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Can you give an example of wrong-way risk? Are you confident of the distinctions between operating risk, operational risk, and operations risk? Can you define and distinguish between systematic risk and systemic risk? Do you know the relationship between de-risking risk and correspondent banking...
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This article analyzes the manifold situations in which the efficient-market hypothesis (EMH) has influenced — or has failed to influence — federal securities regulation and state corporate law, and the prospective roles for the EMH in these contexts. In federal securities regulation, the EMH...
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This paper analyzes the capital structure of private asset managers in which theacquisition of nonperforming loans (NPLs) is funded with Contingent Convertibles(CoCos) placed with investors. The paper develops a model based on NPL transferprices and residual recovery rates to assess capital...
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Para las Pymes es difícil acceder al mercado de capitales, por lo que para determinar su probabilidad de fracaso sólo se utilizan modelos basados en información contable. Debido a que el riesgo sistemático afecta tanto a empresas cotizadas como no cotizadas, en este artículo se diseña un...
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Prior research shows that technology spillovers across firms increase innovation, productivity, and value. We study how firms finance their own growth stimulated by technology spillovers from their technological peer firms. We find that greater technology spillovers lead to higher leverage. This...
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XVA is a material component of a trade valuation and hence it must impact the decision to exercise options within a given netting set. This is true for both unsecured trades and secured/cleared trades where KVA and MVA play a material role even if CVA and FVA do not. However, this effect has...
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This paper studies optimal real estate organizational forms as a means of enhancing real estate values in the ongoing subprime crisis. We model the organizational response to stakeholder conflicts and regulatory changes to show how they evolve to an optimal form and undertake an optimal capital...
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The 2007-2008 financial crisis forced governments to choose between the unattractive alternatives of either bailing out a systemically important bank (SIB) or allowing it to fail disruptively. Bail-in has been put forward as an alternative that potentially addresses the too-big-to-fail and...
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