Showing 1 - 10 of 330
We investigate the relationship between borrower quality and the structure of the pool of banks. First, we develop a theoretical model where the size of the banking pool is a credible signal of firm quality. We argue that better borrowers seek to disclose their quality in a credible way through...
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This paper tackles the question of knowing whether collateral helps solve adverse selection problems in transition countries. We use a unique dataset of about 400 bank loans from 16 transition countries. Our findings support the view of a positive link between the presence of collateral and the...
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Cet article propose d'appliquer la méthodologie de scoring et de calibrage afin d'étudier la cohérence des ratings de banques avec un modèle de défaut des banques dans les pays émergents. En effet, le rôle du rating en temps que vecteur de discipline de marché, via la véhiculation...
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The objective of this paper is to investigate whether the participation of local banks exerts an impact on the spreads of syndicated loans in Russia. Following Berger, Klapper and Udell (2001), we aim to test whether local banks possess a superior ability to solve information asymmetries. In...
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Le rôle du traitement de l’information dans le cadre de l’intermédiation bancaire est de première importance. La banque peut accéder à différents types d’information pour appréhender la gestion du risque par couverture de la Value at Risk par allocation de fonds propres....
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Cet article étudie l'impact des facteurs institutionnels et réglementaires sur la défaillance des banques des pays émergents. Peu de travaux se sont intéressés à la défaillance bancaire dans ces pays. Or, la qualité des institutions telles que les commissions de régulation et de...
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What is the influence of syndicate organization on the duration of a loan syndication process? We answer this question using the survival analysis methodology on a sample of loans to borrowers from 59 countries. We find that syndicate size, concentration, experience, reputation, and national...
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This paper investigates stock market reaction to debt arrangements in Russia. The analysis of the valuation of debt arrangements by stock markets provides information about the use of debt by Russian companies. We apply the event study methodology to check whether debt announcements lead to...
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The last decade has witnessed rapid expansion of Islamic financial instruments, notably with the proliferation of Islamic investment certificates called Sukuk. Sukuk generally represent the Islamic financial instrument equivalent to conventional bonds. We evaluate the economic differences...
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The aim of this paper is to empirically investigate the determinants of creditor concentration in the use of bank loans by firms in a European cross-country framework. We analyze the influence of loan and borrower characteristics but also banking market structure and legal enforcement...
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