Showing 21 - 30 of 88
Limited-information identification-robust methods on the indexation and price rigidity parameters of the New Keynesian Phillips Curve yield very wide confidence intervals. Full-information methods impose more restrictions on the reduced-form dynamics and thus make more efficient use of the...
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We re-examine the evidence on the new Phillips curve model of Gali and Gertler (Journal of Monetary Economics 1999) using the conditional score test of Kleibergen (Econometrica 2005), which is robust to weak identification. In contrast to earlier studies, we find that US postwar data are...
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Recently, single-equation estimation by the generalized method of moments (GMM) has become popular in the monetary economics literature, for estimating forward-looking models with rational expectations. We discuss a method for analysing the empirical identification of such models that exploits...
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The Mortensen and Pissarides (1994) matching model with all wages negotiated each period is shown inconsistent with macroeconomic wage dynamics in the US. This applies even when heterogeneous match productivities, time to build vacancies and credible bargaining are incorporated. Wage rigidity...
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A Vector Autoregressive model (VAR) with normally distributed innovations is a Curved Exponential Model (CEM). Cointegration imposes further curvature on the model and this means that in addition to the important reasons for conditioning in non-stationary time series as given by Johansen (1995,...
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We study subvector inference in the linear instrumental variables model assuming homoskedasticity but allowing for weak instruments. The subvector Anderson and Rubin (1949) test that uses chi square critical values with degrees of freedom reduced by the number of parameters not under test,...
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I show that the zero lower bound (ZLB) on interest rates can be used to identify the causal effects of monetary policy. Identification depends on the extent to which the ZLB limits the efficacy of monetary policy. I propose a simple way to test the efficacy of unconventional policies, modeled...
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