Showing 70,281 - 70,290 of 71,260
Panel data analysis has become very popular in comparative political economy. However, in order to draw meaningful inferences from such data, one has to address specification and estimation issues carefully. This paper aims to demonstrate various pitfalls that typically occur in applied...
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This working paper examines the question whether the privatization of network based utilities results from policy diffusion across the OECD world, and if so which diffusion mechanisms have been relevant. Therefore, a completely new panel data set on privatization in the telecommunication sector...
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This essay argues that experience from more than three decades of labour market forecasting shows that forecasting helps greasing the wheels of labour markets. Applied correctly - not in the sense of old fashioned manpower planning models - sufficiently disaggregated employment outlooks support...
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The flexibilisation of labour markets is called for by most political and economic and firms as the sesame towards economic competitiveness. But do employment systems and social protection regimes provide the workforce with the adequate social incentives - in the form of secured, qualifying and...
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This paper uses data from 20 OECD countries to investigate the impact of welfare state institutions (especially employment protection, wage bargaining and work incentives) on the functioning of the labour market both theoretically and empirically. It shows that the impact of welfare state...
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Das Konzept der Nettosozialleistungsquote (NSLQ) von W. Adema hat in jüngster Zeit einige zentrale Annahmen der vergleichenden Wohlfahrtsstaatenforschung erschüttert. Nicht nur die quantitative Dimension des Wohlfahrtsstaates in OECD-Ländern, sondern auch seine strukturelle Zusammensetzung...
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The report takes issue with the large debate of social security systems and particularly the large expenditure devoted to unemployment insurance in most OECD countries. From the perspective of transitional labour markets we analyse the corresponding welfare regime focusing on employment and...
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In der Diskussion über arbeitsmarktpolitische Reformen fordern nationale Regierungen und internationale Organisationen immer stärker das Lernen von anderen Ländern. Das politikwissenschaftliche Standardmodell zur Erklärung von Reformen der Arbeitsmarktpolitik ist jedoch zumeist rein...
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Ausgangspunkt dieses Diskussionspapieres ist die von Fritz Scharpf vertretene Auf-fassung, dass wohlfahrtsstaatliche Institutionen maßgeblich an der Entwicklung unterschiedlicher Dienstleistungssektoren beteiligt sind. Anhand dieser Idee werden polit-ökonomische Hypothesen hergeleitet und...
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I develop an agent-based computational economics (ACE) model with which I evaluate the aggregate impact of labor market policies. The findings are that governmentfinanced training measures increase the outflow rate from unemployment to employment. Although the overall effect is positive this...
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