Showing 21 - 30 of 710
This paper establishes (i) an extension of Michel's (1990, Theorem 1) necessity result to an abstract reduced-form model, (ii) a generalization of the results of Weitzman (1973) and Ekeland and Scheinkman (1986), and (iii) a new result that is useful particularly in the case of homogeneous...
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This paper presents a representative agent model in which stock market bubbles cause output fluctuations. Assuming that utility depends directly on wealth, we show that stock market bubbles arise if the marginal utility of wealth does not decline to zero as wealth goes to infinity. Bubbles may...
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We discuss stability of discrete-time Markov chains satisfying monotonicity and an order-theoretic mixing condition that can be seen as an alternative to irreducibility. A chain satisfying these conditions has at most one stationary distribution. Moreover, if there is a stationary distribution,...
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We study existence and uniqueness of a fixed point for the Bellman operator in deterministic dynamic programming. We show that removing many of the assumptions of the theorem on the Bellman operator recently shown by Martins-da-Rocha and Vailakis ("Existence and Uniqueness of a Fixed Point for...
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This papers shows that complex dynamics arise naturally in deterministic discrete choice problems. In particular, we show that if the objective function of a maximization problem can be written as a function of a sequence of discrete variables, and if the (maximized) value function is strictly...
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We show that the critical capital stock of the Dechert-Nishimura (1983) model is a decreasing and continuous function of the discount factor. We also show that the critical capital stock merges with a nonzero steady state as the discount factor decreases to a certain boundary value, and that the...
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We study existence and uniqueness of a fixed point for the Bellman operator in deterministic dynamic programming. Without any topological assumption, we show that the Bellman operator has a unique fixed point in a restricted domain, that this fixed point is the value function, and that the value...
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Production takes time, and labor supply and profit maximization decisions that relate to current production are typically made before all shocks affecting that production have been realized. In this paper we re-examine the problem of stochastic optimal growth with aggregate risk where the timing...
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This paper studies wealth distribution dynamics in a small open economy with a continuum of consumers indexed by initial wealth. Each of them solves a discrete-choice problem whose optimal policy function exhibits ergodic chaos. We show that for any initial distribu- tion of wealth given by a...
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This paper considers the resource constraint commonly used in stochastic one-sector growth models. Shocks are not required to be i.i.d. It is shown that any feasible path converges to zero exponentially fast almost surely under a certain condition. In the case of multiplicative shocks, the...
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