Showing 61 - 70 of 142
We discuss whether Sanov's theorem can be extended to a topology that renders the mapping v --> |-> f dv continuous, for a given measurable function f. We show that this is possible if and only if f possesses all exponential moments with respect to the underlying law [mu]. AMS classification: 60F10
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We consider optimal execution strategies for block market orders placed in a limit order book (LOB). We build on the resilience model proposed by Obizhaeva and Wang (2005) but allow for a general shape of the LOB defined via a given density function. Thus, we can allow for empirically observed...
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Motivated by optimal investment problems in mathematical finance, we consider a variational problem of Neyman-Pearson type for law-invariant robust utility functionals and convex risk measures. Explicit solutions are found for quantile-based coherent risk measures and related utility...
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We analyze the stochastic control approach to the dynamic maximization of the robust utility of consumption and investment. The robust utility functionals are defined in terms of logarithmic utility and a dynamically consistent convex risk measure. The underlying market is modeled by a diffusion...
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We give an explicit PDE characterization for the solution of a robust utility maximization problem in an incomplete market model, whose volatility, interest rate process, and long-term trend are driven by an external stochastic factor process. The robust utility functional is defined in terms of...
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We introduce the notion of a convex measure of risk, an extension of the concept of a coherent risk measure defined in Artzner et al. (1999), and we prove a corresponding extension of the representation theorem in terms of probability measures on the underlying space of scenarios. As a case...
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We consider a multi-player situation in an illiquid market in which one player tries to liquidate a large portfolio in a short time span, while some competitors know of the seller's intention and try to make a pro¯t by trading in this market over a longer time horizon. We show that the...
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We consider the infinite-horizon optimal portfolio liquidation problem for a von Neumann-Morgenstern investor in the liquidity model of Almgren (2003). Using a stochastic control approach, we characterize the value function and the optimal strategy as classical solutions of nonlinear parabolic...
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Ambiguity, also called Knightian or model uncertainty, is a key feature in financial modeling. A recent paper by Maccheroni et al. (2004) characterizes investor preferences under aversion against both risk and ambiguity. Their result shows that these preferences can be numerically represented in...
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