Showing 61 - 70 of 730
Der Beitrag untersucht empirisch auf der Basis der WSI-Betriebs- und Personalrätebefragung 2021, welche Maßnahmen die betrieblichen Akteure, Management und Betriebsräte, vereinbart haben, um bedrohte Beschäftigungsverhältnisse zu sichern und perspektivisch die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu...
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Fiscal spending multiplier calculations have attracted considerable attention in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. Much of the current literature is based on VAR estimation methods and DSGE models. In line with the Keynesian literature we argue that many of these models probably...
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We apply a network perspective and study the emergence of core-periphery (CP) structures in innovation networks to shed some light on the relationship between isolation and innovation. It has been frequently argued that a firm's location in a densely interconnected network area improves its...
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Über den Zusammenhang zwischen Mindestlöhnen und Änderungen bei der Arbeitsplatzqualität ist bisher wenig bekannt. Nach der Mindestlohneinführung in Deutschland stieg die Arbeitsplatzzufriedenheit insgesamt. Neben höheren Stunden- und Bruttolöhnen und verringerten Arbeitszeiten gibt es...
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This study proposes a new approach to the analysis of non-employment and its duration in Germany, Italy and Spain using administrative longitudinal databases. Non-employment includes the discouraged unemployed not entitled to draw unemployment benefits and the long-term inactive. Many of the...
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An active role of fiscal policy has been rediscovered as a crisis remedy at the beginning of the financial crisis all over Europe. More recently, the Euro Crisis with its mounting governments' funding costs for a number of Southern EU member states and Ireland has called this strategy into...
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Fiscal spending multiplier calculations have been revived in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. Much of the current literature is based on VAR estimation methods and DSGE models. The aim of this paper is not a further deepening of this literature but rather to implement a calculation...
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Social security revenues are influenced by business cycle movements. In order to support the working of automatic stabilizers it would be necessary to calculate social insurance contribution rates independently from the state of the business cycle. This paper investigates whether European...
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Structural Funds are the main instrument of the EU cohesion policy. Their effective use is subject to an ongoing debate in political and scientific circles. European fiscal assistance under this heading should promote economic and social cohesion in the member states of the European Union....
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Hohe und anhaltende Leistungsbilanzdefizite und -überschüsse in einigen Ländern der Europäischen Währungsunion wie beispielsweise Spanien und Griechenland auf der einen Seite und Deutschland auf der anderen Seite haben in letzter Zeit Anlass für Diskussionen über die Nachhaltigkeit dieser...
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