Showing 61 - 70 of 953
Bank supervisors have long recognized two types of shortcomingsin the Basle Accord’s risk-based capital (RBC)framework. First, the regulatory measures of “capital” maynot represent a bank’s true capacity to absorb unexpectedlosses. Deficiencies in reported loan loss reserves, forexample,...
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This paper describes a new and intuitive methodfor answering these technical questions by tabulating theexact loss distribution arising from correlated credit eventsfor any arbitrary portfolio of counterparty exposures, downto the individual contract level, with the losses measuredon a...
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Liberalization and deregulation have recently accelerated.It is therefore useful to keep risk within a certain level inrelation to capital, considering that financial institutionsmust control their risk appropriately to maintain thesafety and soundness of their operation. In 1988, the...
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In August 1996, the U.S. bank regulatory agenciesadopted the market risk amendment (MRA) to the 1988Basle Capital Accord. The MRA, which became effectivein January 1998, requires that commercial banks withsignificant trading activities set aside capital to cover themarket risk exposure in their...
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Set forth below in Part I is a discussion of the backgroundof the Pilot; in Part II, conclusions arising out of the conductof the Pilot; and in Part III, the Participating Institutions’views as to the next steps. The Pilot left the ParticipatingInstitutions with three core conclusions:• that...
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Traditionally, regulation of banks has focused on the riskentailed in bank loans. Loans are typically nontradedassets. In recent years, another component of bank assetshas become increasingly important: assets actively tradedin the financial markets.1 These assets form the “tradingbook” of a...
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The purpose of this paper is to present a framework forincentive-compatible regulation that would enable regulatorsto ensure that riskier banks maintain higher capitalholdings.Under the precommitment approach, a bankannounces the appropriate level of capital that covers themaximum value of...
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[...]In this paper, we therefore consider how riskmeasures, based on internal models of this type, might beintegrated into a firm’s own methodology for allocatingrisk capital to its individual business units and for determiningits optimal capital structure. We also consider theimplications of...
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This morning, I would like to give a few practical commentson capital adequacy from an insurance companyperspective. In doing so, I will present two views on capitaladequacy and capital allocation in the insurance industry.The first view is the regulatory perspective, that is, themotivations...
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[...]This paper focuses on the relative emphasis thatthe structure of regulatory capital places on formulas andon supervision. The two are not viewed as mutually exclusive,but as elements to which capital policy implicitlyassigns relative weights. We will see that in U.S. regulatorypractice,...
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