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The paper presents an economic explanation of country-specific higher education patterns among topmanagers based on a … signaling approach. Starting from Ar-row's hypothesis that higher education functions as a filter for human capital, we discuss … three alternative filter-designs, which can be attributed to the higher edu-cation systems of the U.S., France and Germany.(...) …
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enthalten sind. Vorschläge zur Förderung organisationaler Bildung, die auf eigenen empirischen Untersuchungen zum Wesen … organisationaler Lernprozesse beruhen und Betrachtungen zur Bedeutung und zum Nutzen organisationaler Bildung schliessen den Beitrag ab. …
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Virtual assignments are characterized by the spatial separation of private and business life.The virtual delegate lives and interacts in one culture, yet he or she works together mainlywith people from another culture. While the virtual assignee is physically located in theheadquarters, from an...
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E-Learning, das computer- und netzbasierte Lernen, verspricht vielfältige Möglichkeiten für eine effektive Bildung und …
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Die Umstellung der Studiengänge auf das zweistufige Bache lor Master Studiensystem eröffnet nicht nur den Studierenden, sondern auch den Unternehmen neue Möglichkeiten zur fachli chen Qualifikation und zur flexibleren Verbindung von Lernen, beruflicher Tätigkeit und privater Lebensplanung.[...]
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[...]Nonetheless, not all the news is bad. As we describe in detail,our work on New York City’s public schools—which includesextensive research on immigrant children—and our separate work on school reform offer several reasons for optimism.First, immigrant students, who might be viewed as...
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[...]In this paper, I draw on analyses that aimed todetermine whether impoverished U.S. locales varied byrace or urban/rural location in their rates and causes ofexcess mortality, and whether mortality gaps betweenimpoverished and other U.S. populations widened over thedecade from 1980 to 1990....
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[...]The New York City Social Indicators Survey (SIS)project represents one effort to track the consequences ofpolicy reform and devolution for inequality and well-beingin the largest and most diverse city in the United States.The project uses a telephone survey to collect data from arepeated...
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[...]This paper analyzes the current state of the educationsystem in the United States. In the course of the paper, Iwill try to point out where controversy exists, particularlyin academic discussions.[...]
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education has been greatly exaggerated,if indeed there is a crisis at all. Nonetheless, major changes inU.S. schooling might … produce more desirable results.However, it would not be prudent to radically restructure theU.S. education system out of …
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