Showing 41 - 50 of 191
o objetivo do presente artigo é analisar a relação entre a política fiscal e a política monetária numa economia que opera sob o regime de metas de inflação e com plena-utilização da capacidade produtiva. Para tanto, iremos apresentar um modelo macrodinâmicoKaldoriano no qual o ajuste...
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The article analyses the notion of fictitious capital in Marx, and the idea of autonomy of circulation in relation to production. It explores, after this theoretical analysis, the evolution of financialization of the economies as development of fictitious capital and its relation with the...
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Este artigo tem por objetivo estender o modelo de flutuações cíclicas desenvolvido por Fazzari, Ferri e Greenberg (2008) por intermédio da incorporação de uma regra de Taylor e de um processo markoviano de formação de bolhas especulativas no valor da riqueza financeira dos consumidores,...
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This paper deals with the current financial crisis from a Post-Keynesian and Marxist perspective. The more objective character of Marx‟s crises conception is compared with the more subjective origin of crises in Keynesian‟s ideas. This analysis is used to conduct a revision of critical...
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This study aims at shedding light on the issue of criminality in Brazil. Previous analyses have concentrated on the impact of social factors, such as inequality, on criminality, however without making explicit the mechanism by which this variable works. The main hypothesis here is that the agent...
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The paper aims at discussing whether inflation target regime (ITR) is compatible with Post Keynesian Approach (and in what conditions it can be), and mainly defining an institutional arrangement of ITR more appropriate for emerging economies with long-term history of high inflation. In this...
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O artigo discute, a partir das teses cepalinas dos anos 1950 e 1960 sobre as relações entre países centrais e periféricos, a evolução recente das políticas econômicas no Brasil. Destaca alguns acertos que foram considerados, quando de sua concepção, erros, enquanto mostram os...
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The growth empirics of two separate but related issues are studied. In the first, the annual data on GDP per person (GDPpp) for Brazil, 1822-2000, and the US, 1869-1996, were converted into arrival times for innovations defined as permanent increments to GDPpp of given size (e.g. 3%). We say an...
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The article investigates the existence of wage gap for gender in the Brazilian labor market. The introduction of compulsory open exams applied in Brazil to public service job candidates as a way to prevent clientelism and nepotism. Our hypothesis is that if there is discrimination, so we should...
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Somente um cenário composto por alta estabilidade política e baixo déficit publico é propício para a independência dos bancos centrais. O Brasil, em seus 116 anos de república, já passou por 54 episódios de desordem política, no mínimo. Mesmo na atualidade, a democracia não vence: a...
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