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This article reviews A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics, Second Edition by Michael N. Mitchell. …
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reshape command. Tabulations and graphics for such data are also reviewed brießy. Copyright 2003 by Stata Corporation. …
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The statsby command collects statistics from a command yielding r-class or e-class results across groups of observations and yields a new reduced dataset. statsby is commonly used to graph such data in comparisons of groups; the subsets and total options of statsby are particularly useful in...
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Paired, parallel, or profile plots showing the values of two variables may be constructed readily using a combination of graph twoway commands. This column explores the principles and practice of such plot-making, considering both wide and long (panel or longitudinal) data structures in which...
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-series capabilities in Stata is reviewed. Facilities for data management, graphics, and econometric analysis from both official Stata and …
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capabilities. The program which generates empirical results and graphics in the paper may also be downloaded. …
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Graphing univariate distributions is central to both statistical graphics, in general, and StataÕs graphics, in …
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Because of the difficulties often experienced in formulating and understanding large-scale models, much current research is directed towards developing systems to support the construction and understanding of management science models. This paper discusses eight different methods for...
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The designers of decision support systems lack theoretically based principles for designing graphical interfaces. The purpose of the reported research is to take a step toward developing such principles for graphical information presentation formats. Specifically, this paper presents an...
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The use of a Visual Interactive Simulation (VIS) model for experimental analysis, where the user initiates runs and gathers information as desired without necessarily any respect for formal analysis, is encouraged by some proponents of VIS and VIS software packages. Proponents of formal output...
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