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The correlation coefficient (CC) is a standard measure of the linear association between two random variables. The CC plays a significant role in many quantitative researches. In a bivariate normal distribution, there are many types of interval estimation for CC, such as z-transformation and...
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paper, we employ the jackknife empirical likelihood (JEL) method to construct confidence intervals for the difference of two … correlated continuous-scale ROC curves. Using the jackknife pseudo-sample, we can avoid estimating several nuisance variables … which have to be estimated in the existing methods. We prove that the smoothed jackknife empirical log likelihood ratio is …
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This paper considers blockwise empirical likelihood for real-valued linear time processes which may exhibit either short- or long-range dependence. Empirical likelihood approaches intended for weakly dependent time series can fail in the presence of strong dependence. However, a modified...
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With new tests being developed and marketed, the comparison of the diagnostic accuracy of two continuous-scale diagnostic tests are of great importance. Comparing the partial areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves (pAUC) is an effective method to evaluate the accuracy of two...
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Compare the accuracy of two continuous-scale tests is increasing important when a new test is developed. The traditional approach that compares the entire areas under two Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves is not sensitive when two ROC curves cross each other. A better approach to...
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This paper considers blockwise empirical likelihood for real-valued linear time processes which may exhibit either short- or long-range dependence. Empirical likelihood approaches intended for weakly dependent time series can fail in the presence of strong dependence. However, a modified...
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