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In spite of the artistic processing of precious metal and metallic alloy materials has studied thoroughly in the works of some scientists from adjacent territories, in the national historiography this topic was elaborated only indirectly. In the framework of presented research it is impossible...
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This short essay summarizes an understanding of the trial as a medium in which law is realized or actualized, rather than imposed or enforced. It suggests that we should pay close attention to the actual practices that prevail at trial, its “consciously structured hybrid” of languages and...
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Globalization is a fashionable topic, omnipresent in the media discourse, in the literature, but also in everyday conversations. The opinions expressed on this set of processes that marks every aspect of our lives are often antagonistic, and therefore, for a better understanding of...
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The aim of this research is to identify and study the discourse opposing the official one in feature films of Soviet cinematographi. The argument is that artistic autonomy existed in Soviet cinematography and it created a niche space for political communication in which a reverse discourse...
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Volumul Eugeniu Coseriu. Contributii la pragmatica lingvistica al autoarei Carmen Paduraru, publicat la Editura Lumen, trateaza pe parcursul a cinci capitole radacinile pragmaticii lingvistice si incearca o delimitare a obiectului ei de studiu. Un aspect care retine atentia in delimitarile si...
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Volumul Exilul ca trauma. Trauma ca exil in opera lui Norman Manea al autoarei Aurica Stan, publicat la Editura Lumen, isi propune sa analizeze o resubstantializare a raportului, exilulului ca trauma si trauma ca exil, identificabile in ansamblul literaturii maniene. Volumul este structurat in...
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Volumul De docta ignorantia. In theognosia apofatica a Sfantului Dionisie pseudo Areopagitul al autorului Ciprian Closca publicat la Editura Lumen trateaza pe parcursul a cinci capitole aspecte filosofice definitorii a personalitatii teologice Sfantul Dionisie Areopagitul. Capitolul I -...
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Volumul Mic tratat de gnoseologie al autorului Tomita Ciulei, publicata la Editura Lumen, trateaza pe parcursul a trei parti Efortul gnoseologic. De la cunoastere la adevar, Perspective gnoseologice si Perspective epistemologice demersuri in cunoasterea filosofica. Partea I, Efortul gnoseologic....
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Titus Maccius Plautus did not write an original work. The author from Sarsina himself acknowledged the Greek model of his plays. The ancients did not have a cult for originality, the way modernists do and Plautus makes no exception. All that the playwright aims to, regardless of the form, is...
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As contemporary readers constantly “lower the bar”, writers tend to follow the same trend, thus creating a vicious circle. Their novels become more and more “unintellectual” in order to appeal to the common man. And this happens not as much because the writers wish to remain loyal to...
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