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This article investigates the latest developments in longevity risk modelling, and explores the key risk management challenges for both the financial and insurance industries. The article discusses key definitions that are crucial for the enhancement of the way longevity risk is understood;...
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In a classical risk model under constant interest force, we study the probability that the surplus of an insurance company reaches an upper barrier before a lower barrier. We define this probability as win-first probability. Borrowing ideas from life-insurance theory, hazard rates of the maximum...
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The goal of this short communication is to give an overview of the key research issues in Enterprise Risk Management that arose during the talks and the brainstorming session of the first ERMII research workshop, which was held at ISFA, University of Lyon in June 2007. To define and compute...
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La méthode dite des «simulations dans les simulations» (SdS) est à ce jour, pour les portefeuilles d'assurance-vie, une des méthodes de calcul du capital économique les plus conformes aux critères de Solvabilité II. Or cette approche conduit à des temps de calculs conséquents allant...
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The goal of this paper is to obtain probabilistic representation formulas that are suitable for the numerical computation of the (possibly non-continuous) density functions of infima of reserve processes commonly used in insurance. In particular we show, using Monte Carlo simulations, that these...
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The classical risk model is considered and a sensitivity analysis of finite-time ruin probabilities is carried out. We prove the weak convergence of a sequence of empirical finite-time ruin probabilities. So-called partly shifted risk processes are introduced, and used to derive an explicit...
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This paper shows that some policy features are crucial to explain the decision of the policyholder to surrender her contract. We point it out by applying two segmentation models to a life insurance portfolio: the Logistic Regression model and the Classification And Regression Trees model....
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In this paper we raise the matter of considering a stochastic modeling of the surrender rate instead of the classical S-shaped deterministic curve (in function of the spread), still used in almost all insurance companies. A stochastic model in which surrenders are conditionally independent with...
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We present a new model of loss processes in insurance. The process is a couple $(N, \, L)$ where $N$ is a univariate Markov-modulated Poisson process (MMPP) and $L$ is a multivariate loss process whose behaviour is driven by $N$. We prove the strong consistency of the maximum likelihood...
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Two approaches may be considered in order to determine the Solvency II economic capital: the use of a standard formula or the use of an internal model (global or partial). However, the results produced by these two methods are rarely similar, since the underlying hypothesis of marginal capital...
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