Showing 131 - 140 of 16,558
Cet article propose de présenter dans un cadre simple, mais unifié, un certain nombre de résultats liés à l'existence et aux fluctuations d'une bulle rationnelle. Nous développons une économie d'échange à générations imbriquées dans laquelle chaque ménage fait un choix de...
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We study the implications of constant money growth rules on the stability properties of the equilibrium, in economies where the agents are subject to a partial cash-in-advance constraint applying simultaneously to consumption and investment purchases. By reference to similar models in which the...
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In this paper, we study the existence of an intertemporal equilibrium in a Ramsey model with heterogenous discounting, elastic labor supply and borrowing constraints. Applying a fixed-point argument by Gale and Mas-Colell (1975), we prove the existence of an equilibrium in a truncated bounded...
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We consider a general equilibrium model with heterogeneous agents, borrowing constraints, and exogenous labor supply. First, the existence of intertemporal equilibrium is proved even if the aggregate capitals are not uniformly bounded above and the production functions are not time invariant....
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We study the existence of equilibrium and rational bubbles in a Ramsey model with heterogeneous agents, borrowing constraints and endogenous labor. Applying a Kakutani's fixed-point theorem, we prove the existence of equilibrium in a time-truncated bounded economy. A common argument shows this...
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We consider an OLG economy with two consumption goods. There are two sectors that produce a pure consumption good and a mixed good which can be either consumed or used as capital. We prove that the existence of Pareto optimal expectations-driven fluctuations is compatible with standard sectoral...
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We investigate the role of preferences in the existence of expectation-driven instability under a balanced budget rule where government spendings are financed by a tax on labor income. Considering a one-sector neoclassical growth model with a large class of preferences, we find that...
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We consider a two-sector two-good two-periods overlapping generations model with inelastic labor, consumption in both period of life and homothetic CES preferences. There are two consumption goods, one pure (non-durable) consumption and one consumable (durable) capital good which can be either...
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Studies of optimal growth in a multisector framework are generally addressed in reduced form models. These are defined by an indirect utility function which summarizes the consumers' preferences and the technologies. Weak concavity assumptions of the indirect utility function allow one to prove...
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Existing literature continues to be unable to offer a convincing explanation for the volatility of the stochastic discount factor in real world data. Our work provides such an explanation. We do not rely on frictions, market incompleteness or transactions costs of any kind. Instead, we modify a...
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