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endogeneity and missing outcomes. We use instrumental variables, pre-treatment characteristics, and short-term (or intermediate …
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The fixed effects (FE) panel model is one of the main econometric tools in empirical economic research. A major practical limitation is that the parameters on time-constant covariates are not identifiable. This paper presents a new approach to grouping FE in the linear panel model to reduce...
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By constructing a unique international database on generalized trust covering 142 countries worldwide for the 41 years from 1980 to 2020, this paper finds a pronounced intertemporal variation of generalized trust over time in a majority of countries across the globe. 3 When analyzing the time...
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Using a unique international database on generalized trust covering 142 countries across the world for the 41-year time period from 1980 to 2020, this paper finds strong evidence that generalized trust at the country level is not stable over time. 2 In fact, the paper finds a pronounced...
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The purpose of this study is to analyse the determinants of life expectancy as proxy for health status of the OECD countries' population. A production function of health is used to explain expectancy life at birth for total and ageing population and according to gender. Socio-economic factors,...
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We examine the effect of testing for Coronavirus on deaths in eight countries over the month of March 2020 by estimating a fixed-effect regression model using the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM). On average, the data reject the hypothesis that "testing" for the virus does not affect death....
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pdynmc is an R-package for GMM estimation of linear dynamic panel data models that are based on linear and nonlinear moment conditions as proposed by Anderson and Hsiao (1982), Holtz-Eakin, Newey, and Rosen (1988), Arellano and Bover (1995), and Ahn and Schmidt (1995). This paper describes the...
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This paper offers an empirical examination of the relationship between government spending’s, income inequality, and economic growth by using the case of 19 Asian countries from 2002 to 2017. For this purpose, the paper uses robust difference-GMM estimation and panel granger causality test. We...
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We provide a new full-commitment intertemporal collective household model to estimate resource shares, defined as the fraction of household expenditure enjoyed by household members. Our model implies nonlinear time-varying household quantity demand functions that depend on fixed effects. We...
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This paper focuses on the estimation and predictive performance of several estimators for the time-space dynamic panel data model with Spatial Moving Average Random Effects (SMA-RE) structure of the disturbances. A dynamic spatial Generalized Moments (GM) estimator is proposed which combines the...
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