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In this paper, a control function approach is developed to deal with endogeneity issue in estimating panel data models with ordered response. This methodology is characterized by a two-step procedure, requiring only standard regression to be implemented in each step. To demonstrate the...
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A longitudinal analysis of married physicians labor supply is carried out on Norwegian data from 1997 to 1999. The model utilized for estimation implies that physicians can choose among 10 different job packages which are a combination of part time/full time, hospital/primary care,...
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This paper proposes a novel two-stage approach to modeling health-related quality-of-life (HRQoL) outcomes. The approach allows a patient-centered interpretation by estimating regression coe fficients based on the multi-dimensional HRQoL profi le, but maintains the parsimony of the...
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EQ-5D is used in cost-e ectiveness studies underlying many important health policy decisions. It comprises a survey instrument generating a description of health states across ve domains, and a system of utility values for each state. The original 3-level version of EQ-5D is being replaced with...
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We present non-linear models to capture the turning points in global economic activity as well as in advanced and emerging economies from 1980 to 2017. We first estimate Markov Switching models within a univariate framework. These models support the relevance of three business cycle regimes...
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The random parameters logit model for aggregate data introduced by Berry, Levinsohn, and Pakes (1995) has been a driving force in empirical industrial organization for more than a decade. While these models are identified in theory, identification problems often occur in practice. In this paper...
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It is well known that random parameters specifications can generate upward sloping demands for a subset of products in the data. Nevo (2001), for example, found 0.7 percent of demands to be upward sloping. Possibly less well known is that demand system estimates can imply margins outside of the...
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This paper investigates the impact of bank regulation on default risk for a sample of six major European countries over 2003-2008. In the first stage of the analysis, we used a descriptive study for the determination of factors that contributed to the bank vulnerability. We measure banking...
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In the European Union (EU) periurban agriculture is under the same agri-environmental policy regime designed for general agriculture. We argue that the specific needs of periurban agriculture may justify ad hoc agri-environmental policy measures. We present results from a Choice Experiment (CE)...
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Using results from Convex Analysis, we investigate a novel approach to identification and estimation of discrete-choice models that we call the mass transport approach . We show that the conditional choice probabilities and the choice-specific payoffs in these models are related in the sense of...
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