Showing 1 - 10 of 21
The knowledge-based, competitive economy places a great emphasis on the education system. The responsibility of higher education is to impart knowledge of high standard which is in harmony with the continuously changing environment. Higher education has a special role in the knowledge-based...
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One of the main characteristics of market economies is market competition where companies have to deliver and achieve the best possible results amid continuous challenges. It is always worth learning from the best performers. The voestalpine Group is a market leader steel producing company and a...
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One of the main characteristics of market economies is market competition where companies have to deliver and achieve the best possible results amid continuous challenges. It is always worth learning from the best performers. The voestalpine Group is a market leader steel producing company and a...
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A tudásalapú, versenyképes gazdaság magas követelményeket támaszt az oktatás iránt. Napjaink szakemberei csak akkor lehetnek eredményesek, ha vállalják, hogy a folyamatos – egész életen át tartó – tanulás az egyéni életpályák megtervezésének és megvalósításának...
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A Gyöngyösi Kistérségben végzett felmérés tapasztalatai azt mutatták, hogy élénkült a kistérség földpiaca. A földbérleti díjak és árak egyaránt emelkedő tendenciát mutattak, szélsőséges ingadozások mellett. A vizsgált időszakban ér-tékesítettek termőföldet...
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Higher rates of employment are essential to economic growth. The best way to increase the rate of employment is through training and education. Transforming education to mass education, as well as the weakening of the previous knowledge of students has caused a quality decay among job-seekers....
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Az orosz-ukrán háború, a világjárvány és az Ipar 4.0 által a munkahelyeken bekövetkező változások miatt talán a mostani a történelem egyik legnehezebb és legkiszámíthatatlanabb időszaka. A menedzserek előtt álló, megoldandó napi problémák sok kihívással járnak, ezért...
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Over recent decades, the practice of human resource management in the transitional countries of Eastern Europe and in Hungary has changed significantly. Especially in local subsidiaries of foreign-owned companies and in the leading domestic large organizations, HRM has become a strategic...
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Drawing from related empirical studies, the paper critically analyzes previously validated HR competency models and their effectiveness to address the current pandemic situation all around the globe. These HR competency models have not been tested or examined in uncertain and chaotic situations...
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Objective: The objective of our article is to analyse students' knowledge, awareness, feelings and attitudes to the energy crisis, in particular, the rising price of electricity in Hungary to test whether students are aware of their electricity consumption and influenced by the opinion of their...
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