Showing 11 - 20 of 26
A dráguló olajár „felszínre hozta†a fosszilis energiahordozók környezetbarát energiahordozókkal való kiváltásának problémáját. Az olajkészletek korlátozottsága mellett a bizonytalan kitermelés és a folyamatosan növekvő árak a bioüzemanyagok felé irányítják...
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In recent years the Hungarian milk sector has had serious problems. Since the EU accession, domestic milk production has continuously declined, the balance of the foreign trade of milk and dairy products has deteriorated year after year and the degree of self-sufficiency has fallen below 100%....
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Since the seminal work of Adam Smith, markets have been considered an efficient tool for co-ordinating the behaviour of economic agents. The basic characteristic of a market economy is that the complex system of interaction among individuals is not centrally coordinated. Under the assumption of...
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This paper discusses Hungarian agriculture’s future perspectives up to the year 2013, which marks the end of the EU financial period 2007-2013. It presents results of the authors’ modelling work, and provides a brief analysis of quantitative changes in principal macro-indicators...
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This paper focuses on global responsibility of food, energy and environmental security. World population growth will lead to increasing demand for food and feed with increasing meat consumption. With globalization and urbanization production is moving to the most competitive countries and...
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Prior to enlargement regulations and the subsidy system played an important role in stabilising, especially, the livestock sectors, producers got used to national intervention mechanism, and production became rather insensitive to market signals. This, along with other shortcomings, caused...
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Chemical pesticides will continue to play a role in pest management for the future. In many situations, the benefits of pesticide use are high relative to the risks or there are no practical alternatives. The number and diversity of biological sources will increase, and products that originate...
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This paper assesses the impacts of the global financial and economic crisis on the agro-food sector of Central and Eastern European, Caucasus and Central Asian countries on the basis of research conducted in Hungary, Ukraine, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. The objective of the study was to propose...
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Asynchronous approval of new GM crops across international jurisdictions is of growing concern due to its potential impact on global trade. Different countries have different authorisation procedures and, even if regulatory dossiers are submitted at the same time, approval is not given...
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Az ártámogatási mechanizmusokat 1992 óta fokozatosan felváltották a termeléstől független közvetlen kifizetések, amelyek enyhítették a KAP negatív mellékhatásait. A jelenlegi KAP ugyanis kevésbé torzítja az európai és globális agrárpiacokat, mérsékli a fejlődő...
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