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A number of claims in the media assert that America is falling behind in broadband, that Americans pay more for broadband of less quality than people of many countries, and that broadband providers don’t compete, innovate or invest. The EU, Japan and South Korea are said to be leading these...
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Financing renewable energy projects in the United States can be a complex, time consuming, and expensive process. Currently, most equity investment in new renewable power production facilities is supported by tax credits and accelerated depreciation benefits, and is constrained by the pool of...
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Global warming, sea level rise, and extreme weather events have made climate change a top priority for policymakers across the globe. But which policies are best suited to tackle the enormous challenges presented by our changing climate? This Article proposes that policymakers turn to prediction...
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The Obama administration has repeatedly identified the large-scale build-out of clean, renewable energy infrastructure as a key priority of the United States. The President's calls for a cleaner energy economy are often accompanied by references to other industrialized countries such as Germany,...
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This policy proposal makes the case for opening Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) — both well-established investment structures — to renewable energy investment. MLPs and, more recently, REITs have a proven track record for promoting oil, gas, and...
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Dopo il rilascio dell'Autorizzazione all'Immissione in Commercio, un farmaco "H", prima di divenire concretamente disponibile in ospedale, deve completare una trafila che può differire da Regione a Regione, e addirittura, all'interno di una stessa Regione, da ASL ad ASL o da ospedale ad...
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I farmaci innovativi ad alto costo ci fanno toccare con mano quali potranno essere i dilemmi della sanità futura se non si completano le riforme della governance di questo capitolo complesso della spesa pubblica (non solo federalismo, ma sistemi contabili e di reporting, schemi di...
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Il Quaderno esamina le determinanti della crescita della spesa farmaceutica a carico del SSN negli ultimi anni. A fronte di una crescita trainata...
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Solar, wind, and other renewable energy technologies have the potential to mitigate climate change, secure America’s energy independence, and create millions of green jobs. In the absence of a price on carbon emissions, however, these long-term benefits will not be realized without near-term...
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While EU energy policy attaches much importance to consumers, it is still far from realizing an energy system that is able to meet user needs and interests, and offer full freedom of choice in an efficient, low-cost, secure and sustainable manner. To shed more light on these issues and provide...
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