Showing 91 - 100 of 235
Using data from a U.S. household survey, we examine the empirical relation between subjective life horizon (i.e., the self-reported expectation of remaining life span) and portfolio choice. We find that equity portfolio shares are higher for investors with longer horizons, controlling for...
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What are the implications of the use of discrete energy efficiency labels in the housing market? Using public administrative data from France, where properties are evaluated on a scale from A to G, we show that house prices drop — but time on the market jumps — discontinuously when energy...
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Using unique household survey data from Ecuador, we study how an increase in poor households' income affects their probability of borrowing from local loan sharks ("chulqueros"). We exploit a natural experiment created by a government cash transfer program for which only households with a...
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We investigate the differences in economic attitudes and financial decisions between religious and non-religious households. Using Dutch survey data, we find that religious households consider themselves more trusting, and have a stronger bequest motive and a longer planning horizon....
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We construct a neural network algorithm that generates price predictions for art at auction, relying on both visual and non-visual object characteristics. We find that higher automated valuations relative to auction house pre-sale estimates are associated with substantially higher...
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Aggregate art price patterns mask a lot of underlying variation--both in the time series and in the cross- section. We argue that, to increase our understanding of the market for aesthetics, it is helpful to take a micro perspective on the formation of art prices, and acknowledge that each...
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This paper investigates the impact of equity markets and top incomes on art prices. Using a long-term art market index that incorporates information on repeated sales since the eighteenth century, we demonstrate that both same-year and lagged equity market returns have a significant impact on...
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This paper investigates the impact of equity markets and top incomes on art prices. Using a newly constructed art market index, we demonstrate that equity market returns have had a significant impact on the price level in the art market over the last two centuries. We also find evidence that an...
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Motivated by the fast growth of personal wealth in emerging economies like Russia, we investigate the investment performance of modern Russian art. A hedonic analysis of more than 50,000 art transactions results in a geometric average return of 3.97%, in real USD terms, between 1967 and 2007....
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