Showing 181 - 190 of 12,693
Ergebnisse aus dem Ökonomenpanel Im November 2019 hat sich die Große Koalition nach langer Diskussion auf einen Kompromiss bei der Grundrente geeinigt. Das 26. Ökonomenpanel von ifo und FAZ widmete sich der vorgesehenen Grundrente. Viele der befragten Ökonomen sehen die neue Grundrente zur...
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Precipitated by rapid globalization, rising inequality, population growth, and longevity gains, social protection programs have been on the rise in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in the last three decades. However, the introduction of public benefits could displace informal mechanisms...
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We study the labor supply effects and welfare implications of introducing a universal means-tested old-age assistance program in times of very limited social protection. We take advantage of a unique historical reform: The Old-Age Pension Act (OPA) of 1908, which, for the first time, provided...
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This paper presents robust evidence that retirement causally improves overall life satisfaction which is subsequently explained by improvements in satisfaction with one’s financial situation, free time, health, and participation in local community activities. Furthermore, while the positive...
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Dieses Papier stellt Modellrechnungen zur Entwicklung der Gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung (GRV) vor. Es beruht vorwiegend auf dem MEA-PENSIM Modell des Munich Center of the Economics of Aging (MEA) und ergänzend auf dem PENPRO-Modell des DIW. Das Modell projiziert aus Annahmen und Setzungen in...
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We study the retirement effects on mental health using a fuzzy regression discontinuity design based on the eligibility age to the state pension in the Netherlands. We find that the mental effects are heterogeneous by gender and marital status. Retirement of partnered men positively affects...
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This study analyses the situation of the Brazilian population vis-à-vis the Social Security System (SSS) using data from PNAD. We chose the 1982, 1992 and 2002 PNAD data to give a series of pictures of the Brazilian population at equal intervals but under different legal instances with respect...
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Die Beschäftigung jenseits der Regelaltersgrenze kann ein Mittel sein, um die Herausforderungen des demografischen Wandels für das Rentensystem und die Fachkräftesicherung zu bewältigen. Eine empirische Analyse auf Basis des IW-Personalpanels zeigt, dass in vier von zehn hiesigen Unternehmen...
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Given the prevalence of informal labor, most countries have combined contributory social insurance programs (pensions, unemployment benefits, and health insurance), with non-contributory insurance programs and several types of "safety nets." All of these programs involve different types of...
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We study the effects of public pension systems on the retirement timing of older workers and, in turn, the health consequences of delaying retirement by those workers. Causal inference relies on a social security reform in Israel that shifted payments from husbands to their (non-working) wives,...
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