Showing 11 - 20 of 317
The problem of pricing Bermudan options using Monte Carlo anda nonparametric regression is considered. We derive optimal nonasymptoticbounds for a lower biased estimate based on the suboptimalstopping rule constructed using some estimates of continuationvalues. These estimates may be of...
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A deferred annuity typically includes an option-like right for thepolicyholder. At the end of the deferment period, he may either choose toreceive annuity payouts, calculated based on a mortality table agreed to atcontract inception, or receive the accumulated capital as a lump sum.Considering...
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We consider the problem of estimating the fractional order of a L´evyprocess from low frequency historical and options data. An estimationmethodology is developed which allows us to treat both estimation andcalibration problems in a unified way. The corresponding procedureconsists of two steps:...
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In this paper, the following question is posed: Can the New KeynesianOpen Economy Model by Galí and Monacelli (2005b) explain “Six MajorPuzzles in International Macroeconomics”, as documented in Obstfeldand Rogoff (2000b)?The model features a small open economy with complete markets,...
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Lack of transparency in securitization transactions significantly contributed to thesevere financial crisis of 2007–2009. To increase transparency we—based on arecent idea by Markowitz (2009)—propose an incentive compatible mechanismfor future securitization transactions: financial claims...
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Using two data sets derived from German administrative data, including a linkedemployer-employee data set, we investigate the cyclicality of worker and job flows.The analysis stresses the importance of two-sided labour market heterogeneity inthis context, taking into account both observed and...
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Woman surage led to the greatest enfranchisement in the history of the United States.Before World War I, however, surage states remained almost exclusively conned to theAmerican West. The reasons for this pioneering role of the West are still unclear. Studyingthe timing of woman surage adoption...
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In this paper we analyse the properties of hierarchical Archimedean copulas. This classis a generalisation of the Archimedean copulas and allows for general non-exchangeable dependencystructures. We show that the structure of the copula can be uniquely recovered from all bivariate margins.We...
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In this note we establish the existence of the first two moments of the asymptotic tracestatistic, which appears as weak limit of the likelihood ratio statistic for testing the cointe-gration rank in a vector autoregressive model and whose moments may be used to developpanel cointegration tests....
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While virtually all currency crisismodels recognise that the fate of a currency peg depends onhow tenaciously policy makers defend it, they seldom model how this is done. We incorporatethemechanics of speculation and the interest rate defence against it in the model ofMorrisand Shin (American...
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