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În acest studiu, intitulat „Dimensiuni psihoprofesionale ale performantei în restaurare” am continuat cercetarea începută cu profilul psihoprofesional al restauratorului si continuată acum cu delimitarea dimensiunilor fundamentale psihoprofesionale care pot conduce la o performantă...
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În cadrul economiei de piaţă, asigurările constituie o ramură, un sector al serviciilor care contribuie nu numai la protecţia bunurilor şi persoanelor împotriva diferitelor riscuri preluate în asigurare, dar şi la crearea produsului intern brut, participă, în calitate de ofertant, pe...
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The content of this study comprises pluri /inter/ trans /co /cross-disciplinarily approaches and a consequent open invitation addressed to the scientific community of the MMF '12 Conference to receive all these, to meditate/analyze, and to decide if the co-participation to the represented here...
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The increasing of cattle number from livestock ecosystems is a major objective in achieving feeding security of the human population. By the same time, the sustainable development of livestock is tightly linked to the protection, conservation and development of human useful animal species...
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Ca areal dinamic şi complex, piaţa asigurărilor este supusă în permanenţă influenţelor numeroşilor factori economici şi sociali, de natură obiectivă şi subiectivă. Scopul acestui articol este de a evidenţia impactul globalizării asupra domeniului asigurărilor în contextul...
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Papers deals with knowledge and education in the context of the society development through various legal issues.
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The International Conference Education and Creativity for a Knowledge based Society – MEDICINE AND DENTAL MEDICINE.
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Livestock production (milk, meat) depends heavily on reproductive activity, leading to scientific research and practice to find ways to optimize growth and livestock operation in order to achieve maximum economic efficiency. Research work in cattle reproduction, especially in family farms, are...
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The proceeding include the papers of the International Conference Education and Creativity for a Knowledge based Society in Computer Science.
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The International Conference Education and Creativity for a Knowledge based Society – Social and Political Scinces, Communication, Foreign Languages and Public Relations
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