Showing 131 - 140 of 69,237
Noch immer sind Frauen in Spitzengremien der Privatwirtschaft deutlich unterrepräsentiert. Um dem entgegenzuwirken, haben in den vergangenen Jahren mehrere europäische Länder gesetzliche Geschlechterquoten eingeführt. Andere bauen - zumindest bisher - auf bloße Empfehlungen zu Gender...
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Despite equal pay legislation dating back 50 years, American women still earn 18% less than their male counterparts. In the UK, with its Equal Pay Act of 1970, and France, which legislated in 1972, the gap is 17% and 10% respectively, and in Australia it remains around 14%. Interestingly, the...
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Rising obesity is a pressing global public health problem responsible for rising health care costs and in some countries one of the leading causes of preventable deaths. There is substantial evidence that obese people are less likely to be employed and, when employed, earn lower wages. There is...
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Der vorliegende Beitrag analysiert die bisherigen Erfahrungen mit dem im Sommer 2017 in Deutschland in Kraft getretenen Entgelttransparenzgesetz. Dass dieses ohne spürbare Effekte verpufft, liegt nur vordergründig an seiner zu geringen Reichweite und fehlenden Verbindlichkeit. Tatsächlich ist...
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This paper explores the short-and long-term effects on wages of absence from work for young highly attached skilled male and female workers in West Germany. The analysis distinguishes different types of career absence: unemployment, maternity leave for female workers, compulsory service for male...
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We estimate the impacts of mandated political reservation for minorities on household credit access and borrowing behavior. To identify causal effects, we exploit the exogenous state-time variation in the allocation of constituencies (electoral districts) to the two reserved minority groups in...
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From business to politics and academia, the economic effects of the introduction of gender quotas are under scrutiny. We provide new evidence based on the introduction of mandatory gender quotas for boards of directors of Italian companies listed on the stock market. Comparing before and after...
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Frauen verdienen in Deutschland durchschnittlich immer noch weniger als Männer. Dies gilt auch und sogar verstärkt für Führungskräfte: Für den Zeitraum von 2010 bis 2016 ergibt sich für Vollzeitbeschäftigte in Führungspositionen ein durchschnittlicher Gender Pay Gap im...
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Women still earn less than men on average in Germany. This applies to management positions even more: between 2010 and 2016, there was an average gender pay gap of 30 percent in gross hourly earnings. If gender-specific differences in relevant wage determinants are excluded, a pay gap of 11...
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