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This article studies the sensitivity of the power utility maximization problem with respect to the investor's relative risk aversion, the statistical probability measure, the investment constraints and the market price of risk. We extend previous descriptions of the dual domain then exploit the...
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This article studies quadratic semimartingale BSDEs arising in power utility maximization when the market price of risk is of BMO type. In a Brownian setting we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a solution but show that uniqueness fails to hold in the sense that...
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For stocks traded on the Hong Kong Exchange, the median of five prices taken over the last minute of trading is currently chosen as the closing price. We introduce a stochastic control formulation to target such a median benchmark in an empirically justified model which takes the key...
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We maximize the expected utility of terminal wealth in an incomplete market where there are cone constraints on the investor's portfolio process and the utility function is not assumed to be strictly concave or differentiable. We establish the existence of the optimal solutions to the primal and...
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How can risk of a company be allocated to its divisions and attributed to risk factors? The Euler principle allows for an economically justified allocation of risk to different divisions. We introduce a method that generalizes the Euler principle to attribute risk to its driving factors when...
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