Showing 41 - 50 of 113
Solon said that, in order to be free, a citizen had to study; education wasthe ground of democracy and in Athens there was no illiterate citizen. The education wasboth of the body as well as of the soul in a natural continuity... Plato was even awarethat in all that there was, there was a core...
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The autumn of 2008 has produced, starting from the American and European mortgage credits crisis, the most powerful and deep financial, monetary and economic crisis, which last phases the most advanced states of the planet seemed to be experienced in the first half of 2009. As anything that...
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On May 29, 2014, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan signed the Treaty for the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), the organization will operate from 1 January 2015. Creation of the Eurasian Economic Union will allow a high level of integration. The three countries have assumed such...
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A national database (NDB) or an international one (abbreviated IDB), also named often as “data bank”, represents a method of storing some information and data on an external device (a storage device), with the possibility of an easy extension or an easy way to quickly find these information....
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For the first time in economics use this phrase - "rare earth economy" as a discipline border, which is holding up the subject of the Economy as General Science, to the subject of this new frontier scientific disciplines - economics RARE EARTH - studying production, distribution, circulation and...
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In the economic and political international community, the term “growth pole" began to be used more often in recent years, referring to an economy whose growth spills over to other economies, and thus helps in the process of growth in other economies, the quantitative contribution of the...
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Education represents one of the fundamentals of the social and economic environment in each and every society, even more in the current stage of development that involves higher educational levels for proper access to technologies. Depending on the specific level of education and training,...
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The economic crisis affected the Central and Eastern European economic spatial structure and reshaped perspectives at the European Union and international levels. Whereas Western Europe's stable economic system has entered maturity, Eastern Europe's economic landscape is still constantly...
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The industrial products and services supply was analyzed in the present paper through the statistical indicators of the industrial production, applied for Romania (2005), both at macroeconomic and regional level (on development regions). The first part of the paper presents some of the...
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The Romanian society is crossing one of the most important stages of its transition toward the integration in the European Union started with January 1st, 2007; this will define the final processes bound for the socio-economic reconstruction. Based on the previous experiences, an assumption rose up...
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