Showing 41 - 50 of 762
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Rapid development in the computer technology has made the financial transaction data visible at an ultimate limit level. The realized volatility, as a proxy for the "true" volatility, can be constructed using the high frequency data. This paper extends a threshold stochastic volatility...
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Volatility clustering is a well-known stylized feature of financial asset returns. In this paper, we investigate the asymmetric pattern of volatility clustering on both the stock and foreign exchange rate markets. To this end, we employ copula-based semi-parametric univariate time-series models...
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This paper considers Value at Risk measures constructed under a discrete mixture of normal distribution on the innovations with time-varying volatility, or MN-GARCH, model. We adopt an approach based on the continuous empirical characteristic function to estimate the param eters of the model...
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In this paper, we propose the use of static and dynamic copulas to study the leverage effect in the S&P 500 index. Copula models can conveniently separate the leverage effect from the marginal distributions of the return and its volatility. Daily volatility is proxied by a measure of realized...
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This paper provides a selected review of the recent developments and applications of mixtures of normal (MN) distribution models in empirical finance. Once attractive property of the MN model is that it is flexible enough to accommodate various shapes of continuous distributions, and able to...
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Volatility clustering is a well-known stylized feature of financial asset returns. In this paper, we investigate the asymmetric pattern of volatility clustering on both the stock and foreign exchange rate markets. To this end, we employ copula-based semi-parametric univariate time-series models...
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Increasing attention has been focused on the analysis of the realized volatility, which can be treated as a proxy for the true volatility. In this paper, we study the potential use of the realized volatility as a proxy in a stochastic volatility model estimation. We estimate the leveraged...
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This paper investigates an e±cient estimation method for a class of switching regressions based on the characteristic function (CF). We show that with the exponential weighting function, the CF based estimator can be achieved from minimizing a closed form distance measure. Due to the...
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