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I investigate the aggregate consequences of canonical financial frictions in the supply of credit to firms: private information and limited enforcement. I propose a general equilibrium model in which entrepreneurs finance their firm through a long-term contract with a financial intermediary. The...
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I study a model in which firms invest in capital and post wages, and heterogeneous workers, who have private information about their skills, choose where to apply. Workers and firms match bilaterally. Each matched agent gets an exogenous payoff from the match before wages are paid. Each of these...
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We study the macroeconomic implications of asymmetric information in capital markets. We build a quantitative capital-accumulation model in which capital is traded in illiquid markets, with sellers having more information about capital quality than buyers. Asymmetric information distorts the...
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individually beneficial, but creates the lemons problem, which decreases market liquidity and distorts economic allocations …
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The author specifies the pivotal role of accounting information quality in moderating the influence of dividends on the investment decisions of listed firms in Vietnam from 2009 to 2020. In this study, the significant dependence of investment on dividends is proved by the Two-Step System...
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In this paper we study firm dynamics and industry equilibrium when firms under financial distress face a non-trivial choice between alternative bankruptcy procedures. Given limited commitment and asymmetric information, financial contracts specify default, renegotiation and reorganization...
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of Japanese corporate sector has improved and firms paid back significant amount of debt and rebuilt their liquidity …
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' long-term leverage choices and an "interim" inefficiency because it distorts agents' short-term liquidity management. I …
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This paper examines the phenomenon of management-initiated, court-supervised reorganization of companies in U.S. bankruptcy court. The proposed in-court persuasion mechanism reconciles excessive reorganizations of non-viable companies (and subsequent repeat failures) with management-initiated...
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The paper differs from current literature by providing a systematic analysis of the relationship between sovereign debt, financial distress and political career concerns via a novel game-theoretic model, in order to analyze the strategic behavior of governments in revealing financial distress...
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