Showing 121 - 130 of 2,608
Regionale Divergenzen gewinnen in der öffentlichen Debatte zunehmend an Bedeutung, und Forderungen nach politischen Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung regionaler Unterschiede mehren sich. Für die Ausgestaltung solcher Maßnahmen ist es wichtig, die Art der Divergenzen richtig zu erfassen. Eine Analyse...
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From a theoretical viewpoint, there can be market failures resulting in an underprovision of occupational health and safety. Works councils may help mitigate these failures. Using establishment data from Germany, our empirical analysis confirms that the incidence of a works council is...
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Nowadays, there is a growing debate about the role of collective bargaining in Brazilian labour regulation. Nonetheless, is it possible to discuss such a role without debating the collective actors engaged in that bargaining? The answer is probably no, at least with respect to labour actors...
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Since the 1930s, the Brazilian State has built a national system of labour relations. In the following decades, this system underwent many changes, as well the country itself (which became urbanized, industrialized etc.). At the present time, there is a new wave of changes in the labour...
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This paper examines the links between the internationalization mode of firms and market imperfections in product and labor markets. We develop a framework for modelling heterogeneity across firms in terms of (i) product market power (price-cost markups), (ii) labor market imperfections (workers'...
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This paper discusses the specific features of the German model as a specific variety of capitalism that is distinct from the Anglo-Saxon model because it builds more on social security and social partnership. It argues that the German model has experienced increasing pressure due to growth in...
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Theories of how nonunion employee representation impacts firm performance, affects market equilibria, and generates externalities on labor and society are synthesized. Mandated works councils in Germany provide a particularly strong form of nonunion employee representation. A systematic review...
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We empirically assess international corporate tax avoidance by strategic location of innovative output. The analysis draws on the universe of patent applications to the European Patent Office linked with data on multinational entities (MNEs) in Europe. Four findings emerge: Firstly, patent...
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Gewerkschaften wird häufig ein baldiges Verschwinden prophezeit. Sie wären das Opfer von Strukturwandel, Globalisierung, dezentralisierten Tarifverhandlungen und veränderten Einstellungen der Arbeitnehmer. Doch sind eher der demografische Wandel, die schwierige Rekrutierung junger...
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Der vorliegende Report berichtet über die Tarifverhandlungen im 1. Halbjahr 2018. Neben dem Entgelt stand in einigen Verhandlungen auch das Thema Arbeitszeit auf der Agenda. In der Metall- und Elektro-Industrie setzte die IG Metall eine "kurze Vollzeit" durch, die Arbeitnehmern in Vollzeit das...
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