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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the influence and advantages of leadership multiculturalism on global strategy development through cross-border mergers and acquisitions (CBA) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) from emerging market multinational companies (EMNCs)...
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The Kapetanios, Shin, and Snell (KSS, 2003) test for a nonlinear unit root is used to study purchasing power parity using Taylor's extensive data set, d to include recent exchange rate and price level data. The results i) indicate that PPP holds with respect to the US dollar for most countries...
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Three well-known single equation cointegration tests are employed to test for purchasing power parity (PPP) in updated version of the data set developed by Taylor (2002). Results of the tests differ somewhat. The Engle-Granger two-step procedure indicates substantial support for PPP with respect...
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This paper studies the relation between movements in the U.S. price level and the dollar price levels of nineteen other countries. Using the band pass filter developed by Christiano and Fitzgerald (2003), we examine correlations between dollar prices when decomposed into their high, medium, and...
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This paper tests for long run neutrality (LRN) of money with respect to real expenditures in the U.S. over the 1947-2004 period. Real consumption and investment expenditures, as well as their broadly defined components, are examined. We also test for the effects of money on long run...
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Christiano and Fitzgerald (2003) found a significant, positive correlation between M2 money growth and CPI inflation in all examined frequency bands for the U.S. prior to 1961. However, for post-1960 data, they found a positive correlation only in the frequency band corresponding to cycles of...
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The relation between inflation, M1 money, and real GDP in Mexico is examined using annual data from 1944 to 1991. When investigating the relation between changes in inflation and real GDP growth it is found that it is important to separate the changes in inflation into predictable and...
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In recent work Im, Lee, and Enders (2006) use stationary instrumental variables to test for cointegrating relationships. The advantage of their approach is that the t-statistics are asymptotically standard normal and the familiar critical values of the normal distribution may be used to assess...
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Purchasing power parity has been the subject of many empirical studies. Much of this work has focused on recent history in developed countries. This paper reports results of tests for nonlinear, mean reversion of the real exchange rate for a less-developed country, Mexico, using a previously...
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his paper examines whether the CPI and real GDP for the U.S. exhibit nonlinear reversion to trend as recently concluded by Beechey and Österholm [Beechey, M. and Österholm, P., 2008. Revisiting the uncertain unit root in GDP and CPI: testing for non-linear trend reversion. Economics Letters...
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