Showing 11 - 20 of 529
A new method for solving the corrugator trim problem is presented. This problem draws its name from the difficult task facing scheduling personnel in corrugator box plants each day: to determine the least-cost method of combining customer orders on the corrugator, where one of the major costs to...
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An important, recurring problem in statistics involves the determination of strata boundaries for use in stratified sampling. This paper describes a practical method for stratifying a population of observations based on optimal cluster analysis. The goal of stratification is constructing a...
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computational efficiency of the Stone heuristic and retains the optimizing property of the Nauss-Markland algorithm. …
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The conventional approach to the assembly line balancing problem assumes that the manufacturing methods to be used have been predetermined. However, in practice the design engineer has several alternatives available in the choice of processing, typically involving a trade-off between labor or...
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Sufficient conditions have been developed for testing the optimality of solutions to all-integer and mixed-integer linear programming problems after coefficient changes in the right hand side and the objective function, or after introduction of new variables. The same conditions can be used as...
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The objective of the one-center model (single facility minimax location in the plane) is changed to be the maximum weighted number of demand points within a given weighted distance from the facility. The paper presents an O(n<sup>2</sup> log n) algorithm for the model along with some computational experience.
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In this paper we present a heuristic method, based on Lagrangian relaxation, for multilevel lot-sizing when there is a …
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In this note, a node elimination procedure has been suggested in case the two sequences obtained by using Townsend's (Townsend, W. 1978. The single machine problem with quadratic penalty function of completion times: A branch and bound solution. Management Sci. 24 (5) 530--534.) sufficient...
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In dynamic facility location problems, one desires to select the time-staged establishment of facilities at different locations so as to minimize the total discounted costs for meeting demands specified over time at various customer locations. We formulate a particular dynamic facility location...
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In the course of the deliberations of the 1977 Lanchester Prize Committee, Alan J. Goldman brought to our attention an error in the proof of Lemma 1 of our paper (Cornuejols, G., M. L. Fisher, G. L. Nemhauser. 1977. Location of bank accounts to optimize float: an analytic study of exact and...
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