Showing 1 - 10 of 140
À la lumière des informations issues des enquêtes Patrimoine 2004 et 2010 de l’INSEE et des évaluations des comptes nationaux financiers établis par la Banque de France, l’article propose une première analyse des ajustements patrimoniaux des ménages français depuis 2007.
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This paper analyzes the wealth effect on consumption in France by relying on two original household surveys. First, it provides the first estimate of the marginal propensity to consume out of wealth based on micro data for France (Enquête Patrimoine 2009, Insee): a low but significant wealth...
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How are people financially literate in France? We address this question using the PATER survey and following the Lusardi and Mitchell (2011c) approach. We find that some subpopulations are less financially literate than others: women, young and old people as well as less-educated people are more...
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The existence of an equity premium puzzle has been largely emphasized in the empirical literature: one observes low risky assets holding that the standard portfolio choice model (with expected and discounting utility and homothetic preferences) is not able to explain. Besides modifications of...
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This article aims at linking the household wealth and income distributions for 15 European countries using the Household Finance and Consumption Survey. We study the role played by the household’s location in the income distributions in determining its location in the wealth distribution. A...
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Les résultats de l’enquête Eurosystème Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS) soulignent le rôle prépondérant que joue l’immobilier dans la structure des patrimoines des ménages et dans leurs comportements d’endettement.
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We uncover technological standardization as a microeconomic mechanism which is vital for the implementation of new technologies, in particular general purpose technologies. The interdependencies of these technologies require common rules (“standardization”) to ensure compatibility. Using...
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L'objectif de ce papier est, en premier lieu, d'analyser la dynamique induite par des chocs fiscaux dans un modele d'equilibre general intertemporel stochastique dans lequel l'hypothese d'equivalence ricardienne n'est pas verifiee (l'horizon des agents etant plus court que celui du...
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This paper develops an arbitrage-free affine term structure model of potentially defaultable sovereign bonds to model a cross-section of eight euro area government bond yield curves since January 1999. The existence of a common monetary policy under European Monetary Union determines the short...
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Les 13 et 14 septembre, la Banque de France et l’université de Strasbourg ont coorganisé une conférence portant sur les indicateurs de vulnérabilité macroéconomiques et financiers dans les économies avancées. L’objet de la conférence était d’examiner les systèmes de surveillance...
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