Showing 61 - 70 of 192
In John Nash’s proofs for the existence of (Nash) equilibria basedon Brouwer’s theorem, an iteration mapping is used. A continuous—time analogue of the same mapping has been studied even earlier byBrown and von Neumann. This differential equation has recently beensuggested as a plausible...
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We introduce a generalized theoretical approach to study imitation andsubject it to rigorous experimental testing. In our theoretical analysiswe …nd that the different predictions of previous imitation models aredue to different informational assumptions, not to different behavioralrules. It is...
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Im Zuge der Analyse jüngerer Finanzkrisen wird auch den Krisen der Vergangenheitvermehrte Aufmerksamkeit zuteil, so auch der deutschen Bankenkrise von 1931. EinPhänomen, das dabei bisher wenig Beachtung fand, ist der massive Rückkauf eigenerAktien, der im Vorfeld der Krise insbesondere auch...
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We analyze a dynamic and stochastic ecological-economic model of grazingmanagement in semi-arid rangelands. The non-equilibrium ecosystem is driven bystochastic precipitation. A risk averse farmer chooses a grazing management strategyunder uncertainty such as to maximize expected utility from...
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Modern environmental problems are a consequence of human action. They not only pose thepredicament of who is to be held responsible; but exhibit such a complexity, that our ability totake responsibility for interventions into nature at all, is drawn into doubt. And what preciselydoes it mean, to...
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Dieser Aufsatz dient dem Versuch, ein konsistentes wirtschaftspolitisches Bewertungsverfahrenzur Analyse der Leistungsfähigkeit der genossenschaftlichen Bankunternehmung zuentwickeln. Dafür wird das auf linearer Programmierung beruhende Schätzverfahren "DataEnvelopment Analysis (DEA)"...
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In this paper, we discuss the relationship between responsibility and joint production.Responsibility mirrors our ability to act freely. We can act freely only if we can assumeresponsibility for our actions and their consequences; the limits of our responsibility aretherefore also the limits of...
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In diesem Aufsatz untersuchen wir die Beziehung von Verantwortung und Kuppelproduktion.Unsere Verantwortung reflektiert unsere Fähigkeit, frei zu handeln. Wir können nur freihandeln, insofern wir für unsere Handlungen und ihre Folgen Verantwortung übernehmen; dieGrenzen unserer Verantwortung...
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The concept of a non-extreme-outcome-additive capacity (neo-additive capacity ) is introduced.Neo-additive capacitiesmodel optimistic and pessimistic attitudes towards uncertaintyas observed in many experimental studies. Moreover, neo-additive capacities canbe applied easily in economic...
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