Showing 5,771 - 5,780 of 5,892
Information costs and regulatory barriers are the main distinguishing features of international financial markets as compared to national financial markets. This paper presents a simple model of the impact of these factors on banksÂ’ cross-border activities and provides empirical evidence....
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This paper compares the welfare effects of anticipated and unanticipated cost-push shocks within the canonical New Keynesian model with optimal monetary policy. We find that, for empirically plausible degrees of nominal rigidity, the anticipation of a future cost-push shock leads to a higher...
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In a report presented at the UN Conference on Financing for Development in March 2002, the World Bank claims that the effectiveness of its financial aid has improved substantially by targeting aid at poor developing countries pursuing sound economic policies. However, the World Bank's success...
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In this paper, we investigate the claim that German banks are special compared to banks in other industrialised economies. We show that banks are of particular importance to the German economy—as financial intermediary, as lender to the corporate sector, and as part of the corporate governance...
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This paper explores the position of the Ukraine economy in the international division of labor. It is based upon sectorally disaggregated data on trade, factor endowment and labor costs for the manufacturing sector of the Ukraine and of the member countries of the enlarged European Union. The...
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This paper investigates unemployment and labour market rigidities in OECD countries in 1983–1994. The central issue is the taxation-unemployment relationship and whether this relationship is exogenous or simultaneously determined. Hausman specification tests indicate that the impact of...
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This paper assesses the prospects for the new Polish monetary policy strategy of inflation targeting. Regarding the general requirements for implementing an inflation targeting strategy it appears that Poland has made sufficient progress in reducing fiscal dominance and hardening budget...
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Komplexe Aktien- und Wechselkurstrajektorien werden im Rahmen eines nichtlinearen dynamischen makroökonomischen Modells mit träger Outputanpassung am Gütermarkt und heterogener Erwartungsbildung auf den Assetmärkten abgeleitet. Die Implikationen des Aufeinandertreffens von Chartisten und...
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This paper provides an account of the evolution of poverty and inequality during adjustment in Bolivia, covering the period 1985–99. It turns out that urban poverty declined somewhat after the initial stabilization phase that followed the hyperinflation in 1985. A similar evolution of per...
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Sickness benefit income reduces an employee's opportunity costs of absence from work. In the Federal Republic of Germany the institutional arrangement was changed several times in the 1951–1998 period. The paper investigates the effects on absence behavior. According to the empirical...
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